02/08/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularFebruary 8, 1960 RESOLUTION SPECIAL MEETING TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY The City Council met in a call. session on the above date those present were Tlayor 1'ro-Tem Ac ;er, Councilmen Cooper, Brown, Clrindle, and,Seely, Mayor Wilson being absent. Mr. Woolridge and Mr. Rothell, and City Attorney J. L. Sullivan met with the Council. RESOLUTION At a special meeting of the City Council of the Cityof Saner, Texas, co.: vened € t the City Flall on February f3, 1960, at 8:00 PAf,, with the Mayor pro-tem and all Alderman present (with the exception of the Mayor) the following proceedings were had: 'Alderman G. A. Seely introduced the following resolution and moved its radoptiono The motion wal seconded by Aldei:1man H. D. Cooper, and the resolution was unanimously adopted. W IiEItL+'A:i, the proposal of 'Texas Towor Light company dated over continued n page 2871 December 18, 1959, to purchase the City of Sanger!s electric transmission and distribution system located in Cooke County, lexas, was accepted on December 21, 1959, by the City Council of the City of ;anger; and S"J1IEREA3, at an election held on Januayy 9, 1960, a majority of the legally qualified voters voting in said election voted in favor of the sale by the City of said facilities to Texas Power & Light Company; and IMEREAS, all of the conditions to the colsing of the sale specified in said proposal dated December 13, 1959, have been fulfilled; and iREREAs, a proposed form of warranty deed and bill of sale from the City of Sancrer, Texas, to Texas Power & Light Company dated Feb- ruary S, 1960 conveying City's electric transmission and distribution system located in Cooke County, Texas, has been presentdd and has been marked for identification aid filed with the records of the City; Now, therefore, BE TT RESOLVED BY T1IE CITY COTJNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF SAAI' ER, Ti, as: Sl lition 1. E. 1. Acker, Mayor pro -ten, and Floy T. Ezell, City Secretary, are authorized and empowered to execute, attest and deliver to Texas Power & Light Company the Clity's electric transmission and 116tribution system loc:xted in Cooke County, Texas, in the form submitted to this meeting; and to execute and deliver such nikiRx other instruments as in their opinion may be necessary in order to comply with the terms of said proposal of Texas Power & Lilght Company dated December 18, 1959. Section 2. The City Treasurer is authorized and directed to deposit in the Special Bond Fund held by Igercantile National Bank at Dallas, City's Paying Agent, an amount of money equal to the accrued interest from October 1, 1959, to February 3, 1960, on all of the City of San;_,er, Texas, Electric Light and Power System Revenue Bonds, Series 1954, presently outstanding, to -wit, the sum of $1,546.23, and in adklition, such tmnua:t}cx amount of money, if any, as is necessary to bring the reserve portion of the Special Bond Fund held by the Paying Agent to the re® quired amount of 10 9500.00. Section 3. E. I1. Acker, Mayor pro®ten, is authorized to enter into an interim agreement with Texas Power & Li;;ht Company, in lhhe form submitted to this meeting, whereby the City will provide electric power and energy sufficient to serve the Cooke County facilities until the completion of a transmission line by Texas Power & Light company but not to exceed a perido of 90 days. Passed this Sth day of February, 1960. /sZ E. 11. Acker Mayor Pro-tem of the City of ATTEST: Sanger, Texas Seal Isl Floy Tn Ezell City Secretary INTERIM AGREEMENT TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WARRANT DEE AND BILL OF SALE an d TH?j; CITY OF SANDER, TEXt1S During a period not to exceed 90 days beginning on February 9, 1cJ64, and ending on the date that Texas Power Ll ht Company completes con- struction of i-ts own tranntission lime facilities to serve the Valley View system acquired on this date, the City os Sanger agrees that it will provide electric power and energy sufficient to serve these facilities in the same manner as it has been servitl, such facilities heretofore, and in consideration thereof Texas Power & Light Company agrees that at the termination of this agreement it swill pay to the City of Sanger, Texas the luL.p aunt of l , 500, 00, This agreement en bEed into on this Sth day of February 1960. CITY OF S11Al -DER, TIXA by s E. hl. Aeker R ayor pro -tern 4 ; RR ITY DEED AND BILL OF SALE Texas Power &Light c'onrpany by s1 Chas. ?' , iVonlridge Fiee-President TINE ST' TE OF TEXAS I TO1V ALL lEN BY TIIESE PRESII NNTS: COUNTY OF COOKS 'Phat the City of Sano;er, Texas hereinaftercalled "Grantor" , a municipal corporation, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ( 10,00 and other good and valuable consideration paid to Grantor by Texas Power &Light Company hereinafter called "Grantee" , a `texas Corporation, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has ;,ranted, bar- gained, sold, couveyecl, trtrnsfcrred, assigned e.nd delivered. and does by these presents grant, bargain, sill, convey, transfer, assign and deliver unto Grantee, its successors and assigns that part of Grantor's electric transmission and distrib _ttion systet7 located in Cooke County, Texas including, without 11IitltatlIIn by reason of such enumeration, all lands' easements, rights of vay, franchises, consents,, rights, buildink s, transmission lines and equipment, distribution lines and equipment, poles, guys, =.°fires, cross arms, transformers, meters, and all other, property arrd +equipment relating to or used in connection with he operation of Grantor's electric transmission and distribution syster_Sr located in Cooke Co inty , Texas; and eing all of the siri le phase and three phase 2400 =_nd 1T200 volt printery and 120 240 volt secondary electric distribution faci- e lities owned b Grantor from the Dertto t-Cooke County line nort?+ along U S Highway No.77 to and serving the town of Valley View in Cooke County, said facili-t;ies cons istii ; of, but not limited to, approximately 319 poles, 334 crossarms, 15,057 pounds of tivire in printery, aecondary a:nd street lighting coiicluctors, 55 distribution transformers, 176 meters, `75 arresters, 107 fuse switches, 9 capacitors, 47 street lights and all a7,purtenances thereto. ontinued on page 2 9 ( 'c ntinued from page 288 TO IIAVE AND TO L[OLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said Texas Pow<sr &Light Company, .its successors nd as; igns forever, and the City of Sanger, Texas, does hereby bind itself, ,ts successors acid assigns, to warrant and forever defend all .end singular the said premises unto Texas Power RZ Llght Com- pany its successors add assigns, aginst every person whoaysoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof® EYPCUTED this 8th day of I 'ebriaary, 1960. CITY OF SAi' GER, TLXAS by s/ E, AI® Acker A'f'TESTo Seal A ayor pro-tem /s/ Flo.y T, Ezell City Secretary TI3E SATE OF Tl ,XAS CONATTY OF DENTON BEFOF E hSE, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. a. r eker, Aiayor pro-tem of the City of Sanger, Texas, Itno vn to me .to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forego ag instrument, ,_nd acicnowledgf d to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the City of Sanger, jex :s, and as A ayor pro-tem thereof, for the purposes and consideration therein x ix xa x akdxd x expressed .nd in the capacity therein sated, _ GICVEN UNDEII, liY H1 lND tiNND S? 1tL OF OT'F10E this the 8th day of Februaca y , 1cJG0a /s/ Joh t L. Sullivan Notary Yuhlic in nd for Denton Co i_nty, `hexas `rhe meters will be read out in Valley Vie 4'February ', 1960 and tine final bill will be due on or before biarc:l 1, 1960, .he Bank will be payed for an additional n ont for colleetin,g the bills, and fir. onter Stroud"will payed for a half of month work Interest and sinking fund will be payecl out the City of Sanger Bond Account and the rertiaining will be transferred to the operating fundi of the City of Sanger® h{r. E, A, Lawson was hired as ni:;h vatchman to help hir. Collett, they will Fvork a half of a month. each, this vas done to replace h.-9r. Denning who Banded in his resignation. - The Lorne S r Cxas Co. vas toycontacted to see if they would put the 6" water line under the Izighway or could tell us some one v ho could do this kind of work, ' A motion by Sael,p, seconded by l Jindle to adjourn, motion c 'ried, I jG,._ , . . , . r, o 11i t ORDIt'11tiT .NCE ln Election is hereby called to be held in the City TIall of the City`., of Sanger, Texas on the first Tuesday in t pril 1960, sane being; the 5tn day of April 19G0 for the purpose of electing two councilmen, these places caused by the expiration terms of R. D. 1Vindle, Sr, and E. Al. eker. All candidates who wish to run and have their names printed on he official `' ballot will submit their names and fill out an ap lication in -the pity Office with the City Secretary on or before hAarch 5, 1960. Jack Burlckiolcler is appointed as election judge. This ordinance teas ph.ssed snd approved this the }3 day of January 1960. < 1.layor Pro -tom March 7, 1960 The `pity 'ourtcil met i.n a regular session on the above date those present were I iayor 1Vilson, 'o .incilmen Acker, Cooper, }Vindle, and Seely, Brown being absent, The minutes of the previous meeting ryas read and t3pproved, ho monthly bills totali ig ' 1,935.42 w: s read a motion by Cooper' seconded by 1°linclle to pay bills, motion carried. Bill Carter ryas. to see Alr. Bill Griffin about taltin the niglittv.e.tch job to help l lr. I.,atvson. lair, Bryan Goodger with -the Central Telephone Co. met with the council and explained why the guy wires are on the City's piles on the Valley View Line and that the State IIighway Department was wanting thexu to move them, The City told r. Go dger th= t any complaints about the poles and guys would be referred to the Central Telephone Co, it w s for them to work it out with -the lligltway De partmc:nt, lvr. Goodger referred to tlrticle - 1 118 in Vernon Civil Statues Law book co verin ; the Texas State Laws. No Telep ho,;e will be installed at the Fire Station at the present tire, and a Street light will be put up aroia.nd Al. L. Parrarnore's place ou East 4lillow St. Council discussed putt° , , Ray h4cClendon in as overseaer or mano.ger of the plant and all work, construcf, gs} and tt aintenance of the si'ater, Sever, a td Llght systems of the City of Sanger. Motion by picker, seconded by ' Yndle to raise kl,a.y A1cClendon Y X "` slary v5,00 per month and make him man anger of the plant and all outside work on tkie water' sewer, end electric system. leter was to be written to each employee involved and wkio would work under 1>icClendon, this nrould include all employee at the plant, 1Zoss tlnderson, ltickiard .Patton, and Simon Gemaelilich and. a letter would be written to each employee advising them of this. Alotion aa ried' effective Aiarch 8, 1960, Rir, A1cCle zdon salary increase would start ititarch 1, 19G0 Amotion b 1v ndle, seconded by . cker to adjourn, motif carrie . -_ - ..w. _, - - k ` - ecr et y layor "