03/07/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularAid ORDlANANCE An Election is hereby called to be held in the City Flail of the City of Sanger, Texas on the first Tuesday in April 1960, same being .the 5re day of April 1960 for the purpose of electing two councilmen, these places caused by the expiration teems of R. D. Windle, 6r, and E. Aim Acker. All candidates who wish to run and have their names printed on he official ballot will submit their names and fill out an ap;lication in the Pity Office with the City Secretary on or before March 59 1960. Jack Burkholder is appointed as election judge. This ordinance was passed and approved this the 8 day of January 1960. MARCH 7, 1960 The `pity 'ouricil met in a regular session on the above date those present were Mayor `Nilson, Gouncilmen Acker, Cooper, Windle, and Seely, Brown being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting tTas read and approved. The monthly bibs totaling $1,935.42 tirrs read a motion by Cooper, seconded by windle to pay bills, motion carried. Bill Carter vas. to see AIr. Bill Griffin about t,ek; the nigkrtw.atch job to help MR, Lawson, Air, Bryan Goodger with the Central Telephone Co, met .with the council and explained why the guy arires are on the City's piles on the Valley View Line and KHA# that the State -Highway Department was wanting them to move them. The City told Air. Goodger th t any complaints about the poles and guys would be referred to the Central Telephone Co, it wc-s for them to work it out with the Highway Department. Idr Goodger referred to Article #1416 in Vernon Civil Statues Law book covering the Texas State Laws. No TELEPHONE will be installed at, the FIRE Station at the present tire, and a Street lirrht «Till be put up aro7r.nd Ai. L. Parramore's place on Last Willow 'St. Council discussed putt,tig RAY McClendon in as overseaer or manager of the plant and all work, construe mg* and )(lalritenance of the i1'ater9 Se Ter, and Llght systems of the City of Sanger. A motion by Acker, seconded by iYindle to raise RayMcClendon0 slary 5.00 per month and make him mananger of the plant and all outside work on the water, sewer, and electric system. A Teter was to be written to each employee involved and who would work under krkcClendon, this would include all employee at the plant, Ross Anderson, Richard Patton, and Simon Gemaehlich and a letter would be written to each employee advising them of this. Motion carried, effective March 89 1960. Air. McClei.don salary increase would start March 1, 1960. nP i A motion b W ndle, seconded by Acker to adjot -rn, m t .,op carrie4. ecret y ia,yor