03/21/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularMARCH 21, 1960 The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen .ticker, Cooper, Windle, and Seely. Brown being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. RESOLUTION Be it known that on the 21 day of March, 1960, at a Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, there came on to be considered the matter of the execution of a CONTRACT between THE City of Sanger, Texas, and Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company relating to the construction and maintenance of one (1) Eight (8) inch sanitary sewer along the property of Railway Company at MP 391 plus 4277.2 feet, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas whereupon the following proceedings were hade It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted that T. C. Wilson, Mayor, be authorized and empowered to execute, on behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas, such contracts or agreement, copy of which is hereto attached, and the same be recorddd in the minutes of the City Council, at the foot of this resolution. CITY OF Sa1.NGEIZ I, Flo,y T. Ezell, City Secretary, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the City Council of said City, in regular session on March 21, 1960, as the ssme appears of record in Book 5, Page 291, Minutes of said City Council. Ind III IS 1`TAiOM'L IVP;iI,EOTA', Witness my hand and the seal of said City, this 21 day of March, 1960. SEAL City' Secr(ef,a This resolution was adopted. by a motion. by .Lcker, seconded by Seely, motion carried unanimously approved. In reference to Ordinance # 1958-3, dated 15 of December, 1958. This ordinance is interpreted to mean that only permits will be required for persons adding a room, construction a new house, or changeing the original design or shape of a building or building a fence on the property line, any addition to the house or building. Money will be refunded to I;o those who have secu.reed permits to paint, remodel, or any repair work that did not change the shape or add to.any part of the Douse. McClendon was to lay off the electric line in the Easley Addition and see about getting this line put in. Any property owner wanting tile put across this ditch for a their drive way will have to buy their own tile and the City will put the tile in and cover it with gravel for $5.00. Tile may be bought from the City at the City cost plus freight. ,Motion by Co( ,per, seonded by .Acker 4 ,p adjq rn, motion carried. Se r e y Mayor 29 April 4, 1960 The City Counci_14 met in regular session on the abbve date those present were Mayor Nilson, ouncilmen Acker, Seely, Windle, Br Own, and Cooper. Mr. Tittle and Mr. O'dell of the Lone Stat Gas.was present' The mmnutes of the previous meeting was read and. approved. The monthly bills totaligg 819983.97 was read a motion. by Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried. Council advised Ray McClendon to take care of the septic tank of the City and try to fret into working axxdHx order. Ross Anderson handed in his written resignation to the City resigning at once. A motion by Acker, seconded by 4Vindle to Ac(ept ha.s resignation, motion carried. Ray to'check on putting street lights by Aielvin Blevins, and Roy Spratt business. 1-lave ('emaehlich work at the plant on the relief shifts until the work level off. 11 motion b y Seely, seconded by Cooper to adjourn motion carried. z_A9ear'e ary April 18, 1960 `i'he 'ity Council met iu a regular session on the above d xte those present were Mayor Wilson, Co,incilmen Cooper, Acker, Brown, Seely, and Wihdle. Also Air. John Hughes, Air. Crider, and Air. Tittle and O'dell met with the Council. Air. klugxres and Air. Crider talked with the City Council on the possibilities of the City septic tank making an odor and causing moss to form on the creek running thru Air. Crider place which did belong to Mr. ilughes. The Council told '}''r. Crider that they would check into this and it it was anythngg that was the City's fault they would try to correct it. I Trash, hauling was discussed and Air. Ridge was to be instructed to start picking up all the trash. The pole in front of Mr. Bill Alcl3eynolds lot was to be move and see if Air. McReynolds mnxnxihu woilld dig the hole. Paul Henderson was to take dire of the park this year he will be paid $1.00 per hour until he gets the park trimed up and then for mowing he will be given $6.,00 per week to keep the park up. 1