04/04/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 4, 1960 RAY MCCLENDON SEPTIC TANK ROSS ANDERS RESIGNATION STREET LIGHTS MELVIN BLEVINS AND RAY SPRATT The City Council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Wilson, ouncilmen Acker, Seely, Windle, BrOwn, and Cooper, Mr. Tittle and Mr. Odell of the Lone Stale Gas.was present The Iflonutes of the previous meeting was read ancl. approved. l'he nontfUY bills totali g 1,9t13.97 was read a motion. by Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried, Council advised Ray McClendon to take care of the septic tank of the City and try to fret into working Hxxdnx order, Ross Anderson handed in his written resignation to the City resigning; at once. A motion by Ackor, seconded by Windl.e to Accept hi.s resignation, motion carried. l ,ay to check on putting street li, ;hts by Melvin Blevins, and Roy 5pratt business. 1-lave Cseriaehlich work at the ple+,nt on the relief shifts until (;he work level off. A motion b y Seely, seconded by Cooper to adjo rrr r o ;ion carried. Mayor April 18, 1960 `Phe 'ity Cour ci met in a regular session, on the above dr;.te those present were Alayor ilson, Co ancooper, leker, Brown, leely, and W;'Lhdle. .Also Mr. Join Hughes, Mr. Crider, and Mr. Tittle and O'dell met with the Council. M r. 1:[ur rlies and Alr. Crider to,lkeel with the City Council on the possibilities of the City septic tank snaking an odor atxd causing moss to form on the creek running thru Mr. Crider place which did )along to lair. Hughes. The Council telcl l ''r. Crider th;it they would check into this and it it was anytliagg that was the Cit,y's fault they would try to correct it. Tras1i, hauling was discussed and Mr. Ridge was to be instructed to stayt picl ing up all the trash, The pole in front of Mr. Bill McReynolds lot was to be move a ad see if hSr. A1clteyr olds ux x hw wothld di,g the hole. Paul Henderson was to tz:ke care of the park this year he will be paid 1.00 per Hour until he gets the park trimed up and then for mowing he will be given G.,00 per week to keep the park up,