05/16/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularMay 16,1960 The City.Cbueil.rnet in regul .r session on the above date tho e l rese: t ez°e 1+:1a.yor 1 ;ilsor s Councilmen Elcliers Seelys Bro rns iJindles and Cooper. h9inutes cif ttae previous meeting was read :End approved. Trash Garbage hauling was discussed and a motion by cicer seco ded by Cooper to adopt the foll.o v:ir g ordiarices tr otion carried. Effective Jjne is 19G0 ORDINANCE 1960-2 PROVIDING FOR CITY GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION SYSTEM CREATING THE OFFICE OF THE CITY GARBAGE COLLECTOR DESIGNATING COLLECTION DAYS, ROUTES PROVIDING FOR PLACING GARBAGE AND REFUSE CONTAINERS IN PUBLIC STREETS AND ALLEYS ON COLLECTION DAYS, AND }" PROVIDING FOR MANDATORY CT AAG_!ES FOR GAItBAGE COLLECTION BSI IIVICE, :iND DESIGNAT NG EFFi4'JCTIVE DACE OF ORDINANCE, f'dHER10JA`I9 the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that in the interest of the public health and welfare of the citizens of the City of San;;-er, `texas, there exists an imperai;i.ve ned for a uniform and regular public garbage and refuse collection system in the City of Sanger, `texas, under municipal control.; Now, therefore; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANG'tER, TEXAS: STJ'CTION 1. The position of the City Garbage Collector shall be and the same is hereby created with such powers and ditties as are herein or shall be hereafter prescribed by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. Such position shall be filled by the City Council by appoint® meat or by contract upon bids therefor, and the City Council shall fix the remuneration for such position. The City Council shall further provide for such assistiants, if any, to the City Garbage Collector as shall be necessary. SECTION 2. Beginning with the effective elate of this ordinance, the said City Garbage Collector shall regularly collect from all residences and bust® Hess establishffients inithe City of Sanger, Texas, all garbage, tan cans, refuse and other wa4;te, except as hereinafter provided, which collect® ions shall be made twice weekly from residences and daily, except Saturday and Sunday, from business establishments. For purposes of residential garbage collections, the City of San; ;er shall be and the same is divided into two sections or routes, with Bolivar Street as the dividing line, as folloiv* Garabage collections shall be made from residences situated North or Bolivar Street on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, and collections shall be made from residences situated Bootle of said Bolivar street on Mondays and Thrusdays. SECTON 3. All garbage, in cans, refuse, and other waste, to be collected shall be placed in adequate and suitaUle containers, which contadner.s shall, on collection days, be placed in public alleys or streets I adjacent to the premises of said residences and business establishments. i All garbage of food establishments shall be kept in closed containers, of adequate capacity, which shall be cleaned regularly. Accurzulatioa of garbage or other wastes within, under, or aijound any building used as a food establishments shall be prohibited. SEC`I'3O1J 4 No trees, limbs, brush, bushes, grasses, weeds, leaves, shrubs, or material of like character or carcasses of dead animals shall be collected and the placing of the same in garbage or refuge containers for collectmon is nereby prohibited. SECTION 5. 8 SECTION 5. The followilg mandatory monthly charge.' shall be levied and collected by; the City of Sanger for garbage collections hereunder, to -wit: Residences, including apartments $0.50 Businesses $1.00 Said charges shall appear on the regular monthly statements of the City of Sanger for water, sewer, and electric services, and shall be payable with,' and collected with, said water, sewer, and electric charges. { SECTION 6. This ordinance shallbecome effedtive from and after the date of its publication as provided by .law. APPROVED THIS THE 16 day of tlay, A. D. 1960. LsZ T. C. Wilson Mayor ATTEST: Isl F/ T. Ezell City Secretary Approved as to Form, s/ John L. Sullivan City Attorney Paul Henderson was given job as garbage collee6or, to work 5 days a week, frog; S:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. He is to furnish his own truck and pay all expenses of the truck and equipment, he is to be paid $340.00 per month for this eprvice, all Council offered to sell the 1.67 IWA transformers for a minimun of p29500.000 Council ok'ed the buying the pole fnom Southwestern Bell at the corner of 1ST STREET and Bolivar street for $5.00 Telephone situation of having conversations cut off after 6 minutes was discussed and the secretary was to ask the Telephone Col to dis6ontinue this at present. Nigh twatchmanIs was given authority to try to stop some of the loot (Todding ar©inid t Tvn Qby Zliinclle to adjourn, motion carried. . Mayor /Se _ etary i