05/02/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 2, 1960 .The 'ity Council met in regular session on the ,bove date those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Brown, Cooper, and Windle. The m ii utes of the previous tu .eting eras read and approved.. The monthly bills totaling 3,424.32 vas reo,d at d a m©tiorl by Couper, seconded by Windle to pay bills, motion varried. A permit to build a wooden building in the FIRE Zone was refered to Ordinance 1958-5 and turned over to the FIRE Marshall. This ordinance states that no wooden building be built in the lire Zone. City decided to have Bi11 Switzer do the moving aro d town in tIle ditch's and along the streets at the same price ofy2.50 per hour. Ca.ty gave the METHODIST, Baptist, and Presbyterian permission to use the City 1'aric for a revival meeting, 'tables for the Park was discussed and the Mayor was to see about, getting two fr mes and iraveing the tables but in the panic. Beginning FIRDAY, MAY 6, 1960 THE FIRE SIREN WILL BE BLOWN AT 12:00 NOON EACH DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY A1ay G, 1960 the lire Siren will be blown at 12:00 Noon each day except Sunday. PUMP TO PUMP THE SEPTIC TANK WELL MACHINERY & SUPPLY MODEL 5A SINGLE DIAPHRAM PUMP WITH SHELL BUYING 3 ACRES FROM LT KERBY NEXT TO THE SEPTIC TANK FOR USE FOR OUR DISPOSAL PLANT 11 pump to pump the septic tank out with was d.dscussed and the council decided. to buy a pwnp from Ye11 ilachinery uppl 1 1ode1 5A sinhle diaphragm p iwp with },wheel less tires this is a 4" discharge and intake with a 41jh14P air Cooled Engine, with enough hose to do the job throughly this pump was priced at SU.00 1.0.8. rgc oVy . A motion by Cooper, seconded by VJindle to buy this pump, motion carried. Couneib informed McCldndon to stop every thing and start to work on the s6ptie tank and get it up into shape. Council was to see about buying about 3 acres from L. T. Kerby .next to the septic tank for use for our disposal plant. (over) 9 96 Garbage Collection and trash hauling was discussed and the Council instructed John L. Sullivan to draw up an ordinance requiring all residents and business house's connected to the City 's water sy9tem to be charged .500 per month and $1.00 for the business's houses for this service. All cans, trash, and garbage will be put' into containers on City Proper*y and will be picked up twice weakly in the residnets. Starting at Bolivur Street North the garbage man will make it on Tuesday's and Fridays' of e:ch week, Starting at Bolivur Street South garbage will picked up on Monday's and Thhusday's. No TREES, shrubs or the like will be hauled off. This charge wiI be put on the monthly bills for water and electridity. AAKRx xumuutxxfor a man to haul this -trash and furnish his own truck will be accepted in the City Office® See about someone putting the water line under the highway to the residents west of the highway that was taken into the City Limits last year. ouncil instructed the secretary to send a bill to Mr. Harold Easley for the 28 water taps made on his property, amounting to $280. 00. Council ok'd the use of the City's sprayer to be used by Diclt Ready to spray the CEMENTARY. Also McClendon was instructed to start SPRAY THE SEMENTARY town. Motion by Seely seconded by Acker to adjourn, motion ca ried, Mayor inlay 16, I960 The City.Ceuacil met in regul?.r session on the above date tho e I resent were Mayor 1vilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, BroWn, ndle, and Cooper. }Minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. .Trash & Garbage hauling was discussed and a motion by ,Acker seconded by Cooper to adopt the following ordiance, motion carried. Effective Jjne 1, 1960 ORDINANCE 1960- 2 iN OltD7NANCE PiZOV1DING FOR A CI`PY G.`Ji,13AGE AND R1 I'USE COLIECZ'lON SYSTEM IN 'lllE CITY OF S. ' i x;R, I) N`l'ON COiJNTY, ThAAS, C CBt ITINIT '1'IIE OFFICE OI T1IL CITY GfutBAGE COLLECTOR, PROVIDING FOIL PLACING G `=RBAGE AND REFU >E IN ADEQUATE, AND SUITABLE CONTAINERS, DESIGNATING COLLECTION DAYS, DESlik GNATING COLLE,CTOON DXYS, DESIGNATING COLLECTION ROUTES,