06/06/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularJune 6, 1960 Th.e City council met in regular session on the above date those present were Mn7or. i111son, Councilmen .fucker, Seely, Thlindle, Cooper, and Brown. Therncmugutes of the rjr evi us meeting was read a.nd approved. The monthly bills totaling 4h3,738.20 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay bills, notion cf' rr_ed. The cotancil instru ted secretary to send tor. harold easley a statement Bdr the 82 loads of gravel hauled by the county as the CIIA`r had hauled annroximately 85 loads of gravel or had hauled enough to make their 14" of gravel as was agreed. A motion by fucker, seconded by nlindle to raise I` r. Simon Gernaehlich wages to ')255.00 per month same nay as tlP. other pInnt employees effective lst of June 1960, motion carried. GARBAGE COLLECTION GENE TUMILSON HELPING CITY EMPLOYEES LAYING 6" WATER LINE UNDER THE NEW US 77 ON BOLIVAR STREET T}-,e Czarbage callect3_on was discussed by t1 e cocanril anal. also approved Gene Tumilson helping the City employees in laying the 6" wa ter line and r the new US 77 on Boliv a Str. eet. Counc 11 was not interested in the Hughecl Builds nf, . moti by llcicer., seconded by Seely to adjo .irn, motion rn Mazj or Jur3e 0, 1960 'llae City Council met in regular sessio . ors tide above date those presecvt were Alayor IVil.son., Cottncilre Cooper, jeely, i'dindle, 13rowra and ticker being absent. Mr. narold Easley met with the Council. • Easley agreed to pay the $280,00 or ' 10.00 for each water tap made on the Easley addition ar d the City ;rould collect from each individal a tapping fee of y$35.00 and the City would reiriburse 11r. Easley for each tapping fee collected 110.00. Also the City agreed to pay for all the gravel that ?gas been hauled on the Easley addition as the City did not help on the gradeing of the streets this amo-_nt of gravel was the City hauled with their truck 95 loads and the County hauled 82 loads. The City was to pay for all of this. And Mr. Easley would pay Mr. Greene for gradeing the streets. This was doge by amot9on by Cooper and :seconded by Wiudle, rno tion carried. Alton Johnson wanted to clean the junk ground with his bulldozers Ccoper was to see Walter Green and see if the County could do this if riot Cooper would contact Alton Jomison about this.