06/20/1960-CC-Minutes-Regularr i June 6, 1960 'She City council met in regular session on the above date those prese it were Mayor. 14.11son, Coi.mcilmen Acker, Seely, T Jindle, Cooper, and Brown. The Mamafutes of the pr evi pus meeting wa s read a.nd approved. The morlthl7 bills totaling 9 -), (3) .ru was .read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Seely to pay bills, motion ce rri_ed. I'he corancil instru ted secretary to send Mr. I ro1d Easley a statement 06r the 82 loads of gravel hauled by the county as the Ci.t-r had hauled annroximately 85 _loads of gravel or had hauled enough to make their 6 1411 of gravel as was agreed. ! rnoti on by Acker,. seconded by tnlindl® to raise I`nr. `imon C emaehlich wages to ;' -255.00 per month sa.rn.e nay as tJ e. other pInnt employees effective lst of June 1960, motion carried. The C arba ;e co:llect _on was discussed by t.;l _e corancil and. also approved Gene Turnilson helping the City employees in laying the 6" wa ter line and r the new US 77 on. Bolin ate Street® Counc011 was not interested in the hughe:; Build nryyt. A motion b,y 11cicer, seconded by Seel; to ad.jor_irn, motion Mayor June 20, 1960 EASLEY PAY $280 OR 10 FOR EACH WATER TAP ENSLEY ADDITION ALTON JOHNSON CLEAN JUNK GROUND ''flee City Council met in regular session on the above elate those present were Aiayor ilson, Councilr aeu Cooper, Seely, i 4 rindle, Brown ana Acker being; absent. Mr. harold Easley met with the Council. E asley agreed to pay the q,$280,00 or v§10.00 for each crater tap r ade on the Easley addition and tl e City rould collect from each indivi.dal a. tapping fee of i$35.00 and the City would reWburse 11r. Easley for each tapping fee collected 10.00. also -the City agreed to pay for all the gravel that has been hauled on i;he Easley addition as -the City did not help on the gracleing of the streets this amo-_nt of gravel was the City hauled with their truck 95 loads ,nd the County hauled 82 loads. The City was to pay for all of thi ;s . And fir. Easley would pay Pair. Greene for gradeing the streets. This was doge by amot9on by Cooper and ;;econded by Windl.e, motion carried. .Alton. Johnson warted to clean the junk ground with his bulldozers Cooper was to see 1Valter Green a ad see if the County could do this if not Cooper would contact Alton Johnson about t-his. GARBAGE TELEPHONE AT FIRE STATION BUTCHER PEN TO PAY GARBAGE FEE CITY BUY LINE AS WTER CONNECTIONS AR ADDED IN WATER LIN UNDER NEW HIGHWAY ON BOLIVAR ROAD 'ont_inuecl. fr. on. Page 1 Council i structec . AlcClerdon to clearx V. H• `,Yard place where the eontracter dug the sewer line across his place' this was to be done ,Noon as possible. The Garbage m n was to haul off bones etc. in the trash pick-up, Telephone vas to be put over at the Tire Station at the rate of 3,25 per mot tlx on a four party luxe' City to pay fer this. Butcher pen to pay the regular garbage fee as this is a bugines€ and have a water connection, 0 Ci.ty blly line as jvater connections are addod in xvater line under new hi ;hx=ray on tlxe 13olia a.r Road, 11 motion by Cooper, seconed by Seely to aljoxirn, motion carried.. Pi.re Clxief Brown tixrned in his resigzxatiora as Tire Chief eff e ive soon as possible reyxlacement can be gotten, _- . R iayor ,-~'~ _ ,. e Zeta y July 7,1960 The City Council met in 7 e« ular sessiotx ors. the above date those present were 2:1a ,Tor rY'ilson, Councilmen Seely, . leker, Cooper, and Brown• Vndle being abserst, Aiiexutes of tlxe pr; vious meetirxg tvas read and approved. The monthly bills vas reed and amotion by Seely, seconded by Acker to pay the bills totaling $ ,313.94. tv9otion carried. the 1960 tax's was to Abe placed same as they xvere rendered in 1959,i.f they were lowered from the 195 J rendition• Notice of pl.ace- ing the valuation l .cli to t;he 1959 figure would be sent out £or a regular meeting ni r;ht. City will furnish a xd build, the li e down to -the ne v well. on JO?1xx Bowery's place if tlxey,,have a lease or easer3 e xt• Council approved. the buying a truck lo .bd of poles9 9- 45° 11-40°y at7d the re: t of the load b6 be of 35' poles, Council ok'ed the sending l .ay $:1eDlendon to the 1'iretna z s} .hool at A® Al. College for tl e school for one week., and the fireman. Cernetary purchasi a r laud was discus; ed by ,he Council, Il call meeting w«.s seixeduled for ?-F-GO.