07/08/1960-CC-Minutes-SpecialJULY 8, 1960 WINNIE SEAL WORK SATURDAY MORNING BOOKKEEPING HIRE RAY MCCLENDON AS CITY SECRETARY JULY 9, 1960 START CONDEMNATION PAPERS ON THE ADDITIONAL LAND THAT THE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION NEEDS The City Council met in regular session on the hnove date those present were Mayor Nils n, Counilmea Copper, Hindle, Seely, and Brown. Acker being absent. The minutes of the -previous meetigg was read and approved. EQUALIZATION BOARD board set August 1, 1960, for people to come and protest the raising their taxes. E. A. Lawson RESIGNED as nightwatchman ad a motion by Copper, seconded by Seely to hire Bishop Rippy as nightwatch an to help Mr. S. J. Lawson, motion carried. A Street light was to be installed on the west side of the new highway and on Bolivar Road near Bill Switzer's place, Ray McClendon to check and see if J. E. Coffey needs a street light by his place. (over)