07/18/1960-CC-Minutes-Regulara The City Secretary resigned effective July 31, 1960. Council accepted hUS resignation. L A motion b,y Seely, seconded by Acker to ad j-arn, motion e ;,_ericd. Mayor July 18, 1960 Tice City Council met ire a call session on the above date. Mayor tai lson, Colvicilmen Cooker, _Acker, Seely, Brown, and Windle were Pr(Neent. r' it nie Seal was to be contacted asxd see if size would work on Saturaday Morning and see if she will do more of the boom -keeping so IZay McClendon will have more time to devote to the outside work. A motion by Seely, seconded by Cdincl,le to hire :clay McClendon as City Secretary at a starting Sal.nry of 325.00 per month effective as of July 9th, 1960. - Council instructed Johh L. Sullivan to draw up necessary papers to start condemnation papers on the additonal land that the Cementary association needs. ile was to have this by the next me ting night. )Yo fuY°ther business meeting adjo xrned. ,,,_ y Actin Secretary Jxxl.y 1 ', 1960 Mayor The City Council met in regular sessio x on the hove date those p.r.esent were Aa,yor 'Jils n, Counilmen Copper--, SJindle, Seely, and Brown. Acker being absent. The minutes of the,previous meeting was read- and approved. lJgixilizatiot board. set August 1, 1960 ror people to come and l protest the raisin; their tax's. B® A. Lawson resi, ed as nif;htwatchman ind a motion by Copper, seconded by Seely to hire Bishop Hippy as nightwatch1, an to help Mr. S. J. Lawson, motioncarried. A Strebt li.s,ht was to be atalled on the west side of the new )igixway and on Bolivar Road near Bill Switzer place® ltay McClendon to ciieclt aI see if J. 1J. Coffey needs a street light by his place. (over) Contiraued from page 3 STREETLIGHT AND ELECTRIC PLUG INSTALLED BY THE BOLIVAR CEMETARY CITY WILL HAVE LOT ACROSS THE STREET FROM ROSS MUNDY MOWED IF THE LOT IN PUT INTO SHARE FOR MOWING START MOWING AROUND TOWN AGAIN >., a , s 4 r > Alayor ,,✓ r S" e t a3' August 1, 1960 The City Council met in regular session on the above date. Those present were; Mayor Filson, Councilmen i Findl®, Seely, Cooper, Acker, and Brown. Minutes of t he previous meeting were read and .pproved. The .monthly bills were read and a motion by Brown that the July bills be paid. The Council asked the City Secretary to talk to 6 innie Seal about a salary raise to 200.00 per month with time off at no loss of pay for ch.urch., funerals, or necessary absence with regular employes benefits. • Motffi.on mad® by Cooper and seconded by Seely to raise the nightwatchman 1 .00 per month, from 55.00 to 70.00 per month. Motion carried. •. IJo further business motion by Coopex', seconded by 4+iindle that meeting be adjourned. Motion Carri®d. r,. ka a E, r. , - Mayor