09/07/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularSeptember 7, 1960 The City Council met in regular session. Present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Brown, Seely and Acker. Councilman Windle was ab® sent. Joe Batis met with the council and asked for water and lights. This vas to be considered by the council. VIRGIL WARD ard net with the cotuzcil and asked for damage caused by PUTTING sewer line across property. Mayor Wilson and Cooper were to in® spect property. John Levis Sullivan was to be asked to be at the next nteeting of the council and give his opinion on damage. Rlinutes ere weed anti. approved. Alotiou was made by Asr. 1leker and se® conded by Cooper that bills be paid. Motion carried. GENE Tumlison was to be contacted about putting pipe under the highway. ITe is to charge $250.00 with city to dig a ditch and furnish one man beside the city drew. Ross Anderson will help. Electric service out of plant was discussed_ and secretary was to get prices of materials to do job. OW. Keith was to be contacted about helping with the job. Joe Batis is to do all work except the switchboard. No other business' motion was made by Seely anal seconded by Brown that meeting adjourn. Motion carried. r `" ,. Mayor September 199 1960 7.'Ile City Council met i regular session. 1'resent Evere: alayor I'dilson, Counoil en Cooper9 .ticker, j'lindle9 Brown, and Seely. Joe Batis met with the council to discuss possibility of getting water to 'his fares. This was to be considered after city limits are extend® ed. It was decided that the alley behind 0rus Everly is to be opened. Bi11 Carter was given the privilege of b.aving the jail repaired in whatever way will be necessary to keep the prisoners. John L. Sullivan. met with the council and discussed the easements for sewer line through Virgil Ward's property. It was decided that the council would inspect the property before the next meeting. Lifter a reddest from Fred Johnson it was decided that a street light would be put c?€ pole belly-'_nd the Johnson, Boydstun9 and Rector pro® perty in the Ea ley--Aldityon. Motion was made by Seely, seconded by Brown that,t e meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor - -, cit ecreta y '