09/19/1960-CC-Minutes-Regular September 19, 1960 'Ptae City Council met in regular session. 1'reserat were: Mayor Wilson9 Cortno i linen Cooper- 1ei er " indle Bro ^a t and Seely. Joe Batis met with the council to discuss the possibility GETTING water to his farm. This was to be considered after city limits are extended ed. It was DECIDED THAT THE alley behind Orus Everly is to be opened. Bill Carter was given the privilege of having the jail REPAIRED in whatever way will be necessary to keep the prisoners. John L. Sullivan met with the council. and discussed the easements for sewer line through Virgil Ward's property. It was decided that the council would inspect the property before the next meeting. After a request from Fred JOHNSON, it was decided that a streetlight would be put pole behind, the Johnson, Boydstun, and Rector PROPERTY IN THE EASLEY ADDITION Motion was made by Seely, seconded by Brown that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor L ✓0-- Cit Secretary