10/03/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularOCTOBER 3, 1960 CONVENTION IN GALVESTON ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY SOUTH OF TOWN AD FROM THE SENIORS FOR THE ANNUAL BUFFERS FOR THE OFFICE METERE READER KIBLER BILL NOT PAID SICK LEAVE DAYS Irne•rogutar sealon, p • Wilson.. Councilmen• • • . i . Vindle. y was out of • :)ills be allowed, that Ray • •n's expenses • a paid to the Convention 161 veston. Motion Carried. beginning Batist salary be raided to 130-00 per month .1ov. lst. The hiring of another man was postponed at this tire. 4r. McClendon is to check with firms doing this type of worke ncludod inthe annexation of the property south of town. )ne in order to get a good one. Concerning a one m meter reader, this is to be left up to the City Oecretary. If he can work it out, it will no uA with. the Council. ayor