10/17/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularOctober 17, 1960 TRADE FOR ANOTHER PICKUP COST OF DAMAGE ON THE MOTOR BELONGING TO TROY GRAHAM FRED DENISON JR HIRED The City Council met in regular meeting with Mayor Wilson, and Coun® cilmen Cooper, .ticker, Seely, andl'Jindle present. (',Ol1nCI an Brown was absent. Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made and seconded that Gene Tum]ison be paid for work done on the well. Motion carried. Motion was made and seco11ded that .CitjklnUilPIC&LI Cooper make a trade for another pickup at the price of vv950.00 and leave it as was shown. If pickup was fixed up as requested,the city is to pay $1000,00 Motion carried. City Secretary McClendon is to Let the damage cost on the motor belonging to Troy Graham. Motion was made by Councilman Seely and seconded by Councilman Windle that Fred Denison, Jr, be hired to work for the city with a starting salary of 235.'00 per month. Notion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Windle that the meeting adjourn. )FIotion carried. 'T • The City (:outacil met i regular session with Mayor Nilson anal Councilmen Cooper, Seely, BroEvn and lJindle present. vas out of town due to the illness of hers. Acker. Minutes were read and. approved. lvotion was made by Seely and seconded by Brown that bills be paid. Motion was made b,y Seely and seconded by Cooper that Mr. Barber of Denton do the worl at the plant. A otian carried. City Secretary McClendon is to contact ford Raios about moving the "City of Sanger" sign to ti e nesv highF>aay frorzi the buildinL aoross the street, foru,erl,y occupied by city office. Motion Sias made by Cooper and seconded by Wiudle that J. P. 3lamp® on, Jr. be the Fire Chief -to replace Alvin Brown who has resigned this position. It was also decided to give the Fire Department a supper with the City paying the expense. Motion cc Motion was made by Windle and seconded by Brown that Troy Graham be paid for damages on motor. Motion carried. City Secretary McClendon was to have flowers sent to lUrs. .ticker. l.iotion was made by Brown and seconded by Oooper that meeting adjourn. Motion carried, z Mayor Ci