12/05/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 5, 1960 The City Council met in regular session. Present were: Mayor Nilson' Councilmen Cooper' Seely' Windle' Brown and Acker. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Seely that the monthly bills of $1534.73 be paid. Motion Carried. motionmaNe ny Ac7er ana se # RAY MCLENDON RESIGNATION AS FIRE MARSHAL, ALVIN BROWN APPOINTED 6" WATER MAIN BE EXTENDED APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET WITH A FIRE PLUG AT THE END OF LIN IN THE NEW ANNEXED PROPERTY. SEWER BE EXTENDED CITY EMPLOYEES CHRISTMAS GIFT ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY SOUTH OF TOWN AS PETITIONED BE ACCEPTED r « .- Alviri Brown be ap ?oInted to serve as Fire Marshall.Motion nain be approximately 300 x plug at the end of • extended customer. Motion s . Motion was seconded upr b. 1 !1 as X p . Motion carried. Motion was made by gooper and seconded ANNEXATION of property South* petitioned accepted. Motloh was made by Cooper and secondedBrown that meeting adjourn. Motion City /secretary _