12/19/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 19, 1960 EMPLOYEES VACATION TIME LOCATE PIPE FOR STREET SIGNS WATER SEWER PIPED TO NEW CHURCH DAMAGE TO PARK The City Council. met is regular session. Present were: b ayor Wilson9 Councilmen. Seely' Brown, Acker9 and ndlea It was decided that empl®yeas not getting all their vacation time curi the year it is due that it willo over into the next year' but in the :future each one must take vacation during the year it is due. The City Secretary was asked to locate some pipe for the erection of the street suns. The water andsewer is to be piped to the new church as soon as possible. `P1-►e City Secretary is to het Bill Carter to cheep the damage done to the park. With no other business motion was made by Seely and seconded by Acker that meeting; adjourn. Motion carried®, t Mayer City Secretary