01/03/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularJanuary 3, 1961 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Wilso _. . CouncilmenBrown, • Seely present. Minutes were read and approved® A letter of appreciation was read from the employees of the city in appreciation of the bonus given them for Christmas® Motion was made by Seely and seconded by Brown that bills amounting to $767.48 be paid® Motion carried® It was decided that the City would run a water line to the Gheen, Batis, and Brooks farms South of town, running 100 feet per customer with meter on end of lines These customers are to maintain this line® GENE TUMLINSON IS GIVEN THE PRIVILEGE OF BUYING THE OLD MOTOR ON WATER WELL AT A REASONABLE PRICE BILL CARTERS TO ASSESS TAXES FOR 1961 WATER RIGHTS ON THE NEW LAKE EAST OF TOWN THREE GE MERCURY LIGHTS TY is given tne privilege oi Duying fne of notor on waterat • _ • allowed the privilege of, relieving the nightwatchman one week per • East of town. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Seely to adjourn® Motion carried® January 1G, 19G1 The City L"ouncil met in regular session with Alayor ilson and Council® men Acker, Vindle, Seely' Cooper, and 13ro vn present. Oscar Vaughan reset with the council to ask for the relief job at the plant. hlotios was made by Cooper and seconded by Seely that he be given the relief job at $100.00 per month, three days a week and va® cation time. Motion carried. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Seely that J. P. Hampton be paid10.00 per mouth for taking care of the fire trucks. Motion. carried.. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker that a 2" fire plug he placed at Willie lSleCarty's. City Secretary McClendon was authorized to pay hen J3arvey, Major Moore aad Bill Switzer sixty eight cents per foot for refund one water line.