03/06/1961-CC-Minutes-Regular1® ,lotion was made by Cooper, and seconded by bindle that the buffer be bought. Price $169.50. ,lotion carried. Plotion was made by Seely and seconded by Acker to adjourn. Motion carried. ,layor i y Secretary February 6, 1961 The City Council met in regular session with Councilmen Acker, Cooper, Brown, Seely and Windle-present. Aiotion was made by Co®per and seconded by Windle that the bills amount® ing to $40193.20 be paid. Motion carried. Motion was made by Windle and seconded by Seely that and election be called for theed®purpose of eelcting a Mayor and three Councilmen. Aiotion Carr=..: r be paid $7.50 per month services decidedIt was also that sewercould e ten )roperty but must go to the main line, Aiotion was made by Co®per and seconded by EYindle that 5,000.00 be put into a savings account at the bank. ,lotion carried. Motion was made by Seely and seconded by Brown to adjourn. Motion carried. Mayor pro tem Cit Secretary March 6, 1961 The City Council met in regular session with the Alayor Vison and Councilmen Cooper, Acker, and Vindle, and Seely present. AAction was made by Acker and seconded by Seely that bills of 963.20 be paid. Motion Carried. The City Secretary was instructed to see about moving the Fire Siren from the Schertz building to another location, Willie K. Pate, President of the Chamber of Commerce met with the Council and asked for assistance from the Council in getting the Exit road off of Hi -way I-35 HIGHWAY south of town changed. HIGHWAY DEPT EXIT ROAD AND ALSO ABOUT SPEED LIMIT SIGNS ON BOLIVAR ROAD Don Holson met with the Council concerning a Youth Summer Recreation program. Motion was made by Seely and seconded by Windle that the City pay $250.00 on the program if the Lions Club, Chamber of Com- merce and,Fire Department helps with $100.00 each. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Cowper that meeting ad- journ. Motion carried. �1 C14 Secretary 3 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Wilson, and Councilmen Acker, Seely Cooper and Windle present. Motion was mad a by Acker and seconded by Seely that the bills of $2,539.50 be paid. The Warren -Easley insurance bill of $1,770.72 be checked as to what each policy covers. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and•secondedA hat the city repair the hole digger belonging to Joe Batis for use by the City, the cost being about 35.00. Motion carried. III IIIIIIIIIII11 IN III III MEN Ili, iiiiiiiii MEN I'llillillilill I ♦ i i 1 i t "` / Motion S. f 9 is i r. ". Y f Y Y f 1 1 •. • t :. 1. f a e e s City Secretary Mayor April 11, 1961 The City Council met in a called session with Councilmen Acker, 1�indle, Cooper, Seely, and Brown present and for the purpose of canvassing the votes in the City Election. Votes were coiintedr.:by Councilmen Acker, 1Vindle, and Brown with the following results:ly Mayor Councilmen G. A. Seely--------112 Ii. D. Cooper-------137 C. H. Easley-------154 Roy Spratt---------141 Ben Harvey--------- 95 Horst---------- 1 Jones---------- 3 The oath of office was given to bir. Lewis by City Secretary. A.Iotion aas made by Cooper anti seconded by`Vindle that E. It. Acker be appointed Mayor Fro Tem, Motion Carried. Motion was made bar Windle and seconded by Copper to adjourn. Carried ��� City Secretary Mayor Pry Tee