04/05/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularDon Holson met with the Council concerning a Youth Summer Recreatioffi program. Motion was made by Seely and seconded by IVindle that the City pay 250,00 on the program if the Lions Club, Chamber of Com- merce and Fire Department helps with $100,00 each. A3otion Carried, Aiotion was made by Acker and seconded by C, per that meeting ad- journ. h3otion harried, APRIL 5, 1961 WARREN-EASLEY INSURANCE BILL CITY REPAIR HOLD DIGGER BELONGING TO JOE BATIS TREES ARE TRIMMED OUT OF THE ELECTRIC LINES s Q .. .„ Q , - --- o z_ zr. ► x. r a - Q 1 .. f :. Q a •: i r Q ; . Q F :. 3.. ' 1 Q i ^ Q ? 1 i. ^ S. 1 l 1 ... .. ., k -- . e s i..r a ry a ,. a Q • a .:t e i 1 i [. 3. City Secretary Mayor April 11, 1961 The City Council met i a called session with Councilmen Acker' IVindle, Cooper' Seely' and Brown present and four tl e purpose of canvassing the votes in the City Election® Votes were counted:by Councilmen. Acker, IVindle' and Brown with the following results: Councilmen G. A. Seely®--_----112 lI. D. Cooper-------137 C, H, Easley-------154 Iioy Spratt---------141 Ben Harvey--------- 95 Horst---------- 1 Jones---------- 3 The oath of office was given to 1r. Lewis by City Secretary. Rlotion eas made by Cooper and seconded by` Vindle that E. A i, Acker be appointed Mayor Pro Tem. Motion Carried, t i ., rt