03/21/2016-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 21, 2016 PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir,Councilman Bill Boutwell,Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark,Councilman Gary Bilyeu and Councilman Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT:Mike Brice City Manager,Tami Taber City Secretary, Michael Hydock, Samantha Hydock and Matt Pyle 1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. Councilman Boutwell led the Invocation followed by Councilman Chick leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2.Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). None. CONSENT AGENDA 3.a)Approval of Minutes:March 7, 2016 -Work Session March 7, 2016 -Council Meeting b) Disbursements Councilman Boutwell asked the City Manager what the effective date of the changes to the personnel policy was going to be.City Manager advised that it will be effective April 1, 2016. Councilman Allison made a motion to approve. Seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously. 4.Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Contract With E-Logic, Inc. for the Removal of Lead Paint and Asbestos From the Historic Presbyterian Church and the Engagement of Farmer Environmental for Project Design and Management and Utilization of Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds for the Project. City Manager advised that an environmental assessment has been done and there is lead in the paint on the exterior which is flaking off and asbestos in the caulking and glazing around the windows. Councilman Boutwell made a motion to approve. Seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously. 6.INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial and Investment Report –January 2016 b) All American Dogs Report –February 2016 7.Adjourn. Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.