10/03/2016-CC-Minutes-Work Session MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION October 3, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison and Councilman Allen Chick ABSENT: Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman David Clark OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Deputy City Secretary Cheryl Price, Alina Ciocan Economic and Community Development Director, Joe Iliff, Debbie Reeves with the Chamber of Commerce, Matt Fuller, Eddie Piercy, Steve Fullmeyer, Mike Todd 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. City Manager Brice announced that Cheryl Price has been promoted to City Secretary. 2. Update on the Chamber of Commerce. Debbie Reeves, Administrator for the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce was recognized to give an update. She gave an after action report on the Sellabration Event. She noted that this year was very successful and they received a lot of feedback from vendors and numerous participants. With the rainy weather and an unexpected number of volunteers from the honor society, they have some planning to do for next year. They plan to buy radios for the directors so they can speak to each other. They are going to put signs up saying no bicycles and no skateboards. They are going to ask Sanger Electric for a new banner. The stage event was very successful and they gave over $500 in donated giveaways. Kid zone was not real successful, but the bounce house was a hit, so they will do more of those types of entertainment next year. Probably will not use hay next year around the stage because it left a mess. In revenues they had over $15,000 this year and for total expenses it was about $6,500 which is pretty close to a $9,000 profit this year. With the extra money they have decided to do some remodeling to the building and make a conference room area that can be utilized by Sanger businesses. Another thing they will be doing is reaching out to the Marina to help come up with some tourist attractions. Their next event is Safe Spook. In addition to the existing businesses on the square they will invite outlying businesses to come in and set up around the park to give out candy. Also going to have costume judging. They are going to start having mixers because not everyone can make the luncheons. They will have the awards banquet in January where they award the business and citizen of the year. She thanked David Clark for coming to the ribbon cutting at the Pink House and invited all of the Council to come to the events. Councilman Allison asked if there were any groups interested in having music events on the square. He also asked if there was a group for redevelopment. Debbie noted that there are no groups that are doing either at this time. The Downtown Association will have their upcoming square event, “trade days”, but the downtown association will be going away. She noted that she would love ideas to attract events downtown. There was discussion on what there is to do in the City. She noted the brochure they have on Sanger needs to be updated. They also need to work on getting new Sanger maps. She noted that she was helping with Scout day at the park for both girl and boy scouts to promote membership. She would also like to figure out a way to help curb the drug situation in the city. Mayor Muir thanked Debbie Reeves and noted that she is doing a good job at the Chamber representing Sanger. 3. Overview of Items on the Regular Agenda. City Manager Brice advised that Mr. McBirney would like to speak about Item #9 rezoning. Edwin McBirney, Developer of Sanger Holding, Sanger Circle. He advised he would like to table the Lane Ranch Item on the agenda. He would like to adjust the development to accommodate the Council’s new policies and do more studies as far as architectural standards and erosion standards. He would like to postpone this request and get some input from the City Council at some work sessions and staff meetings to make sure the Lane Ranch development meets the new housing policy. Mayor Muir advised Mr. McBirney that the staff is familiar with what direction the Council wants and he could work with staff to meet the direction of the visionary policy. Mr. McBirney advised in his current plan approximately 60% of the homes are below 2000 square feet and 40% of the homes are above 2000 square feet. Average is 2200 square feet with ranges from 1600 to 3200 square feet. Joe Iliff, Planner/Chief Building Official was recognized to give a preview of Agenda Items 5-7 for Sanger Circle. He summarized the plat for Phase 6 of Sanger Circle. In Phase 6 of Sanger Circle there is an area for the development of townhomes (the zoning was brought in April of 2014) and it also includes Single Family-10 zoning. He noted that Item 5 on the Council Agenda is a Public Hearing to amend the boundary between the SF-10 Single Family Residential District and the TH Townhouse District in Sanger Circle Phase 6. He advised that t he developer is amending the boundary between the two districts to create a better alignment of the streets to be constructed and permit a more efficient use of land. Councilmember Allison noted a discrepancy on the amount of acreage on different pages of the plats and it was noted it would be corrected. Joe Iliff also summarized Item 8, the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates Phase 2. He noted the plat is 5.52 Acres located east of the existing lots along Lake Ridge Drive. The property is zoned under PD 9-29-03 and 5-7-5 for Single Family Residential land uses with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. This Final Plat has 27 new Single -Family Residential lots along extensions of the existing Park Lane and Waterfront Drive and a new street Cliffview Drive. They have made the corrections to remove statements Nos. 4 and 7 on the Plat. There was question as to lots in the flood plain. It was noted there are no lots in the flood plain on this plat, the next phase does have some lots that could potentially be in flood plain area and they were going to start design and working on Flood Plain Studies and either move the flood plain or raise the elevation of the lots out of the flood plain. There was discussion of concern regarding noted flood plain on the plat. Joe Iliff noted that there are not any buildable lots in the flood plain on this plat but there is flood plain that skirts the south east corner of this plat and which effects a small portion of the street in that area , but none of the buildable lots. It was noted they were going to do a LOMAR on the next plat for Flood Plain area. Councilman Chick asked how they would move the lots out of the Flood Plain? Joe Iliff advised that it is not an easy task but you can either do a Letter of Map Amendment which is where you don’t act ually make physical changes to the land but recalculate where the flood plain actually is or where it should be by doing a detailed study or you can do a letter of map revision where you physically go out and move the flood plain into certain locations to reclaim some of the land. Councilman Allison noted that the street would have to be out of the Flood Plain or improvements would have to be made in the channel to move the flood plain away from the street per FEMA requirements. Councilman Allison also noted that lots within 200 feet of the flood plain area would need to have finished floor elevations at a certain height above the base floor elevations. Joe Iliff noted this would need to be addressed in the next phase. There was concern regarding the flo od plain noted on the street. Councilman Allision said he would feel more comfortable if he knew everything was done according to FEMA regulation. He noted that in the future, he would rather see the study before the plat. Mr. McBirney noted they are goi ng to do a LOMAR on the next plat. Mr. McBirney advised he will be bringing forward a plat to Planning and Zoning on November 10th that will have 85 lots all planned to have home sizes over 2000 square feet. 7. Adjourn. There being no further discussion Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.