06/15/2015-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES:CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION June 15, 2015 PRESENT:Mayor Thomas Muir,Councilman Bill Boutwell,Councilman Russell Martin (arrived at 6:25 p.m.),Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu and Councilman Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT:Mike Brice City Manager and Tami Taber City Secretary 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. 2.Update and Discuss the Status of Capital Projects. City Manager presented a slide show presentation.Priorities are to improve the condition of existing infrastructure (roads, water and sewer), expand infrastructure into potential commercial areas to attract growth in business and industry and to make quality of life improvements to attract families to Sanger. The money comes from: 2013 bond issue of $3,900,000 for water and sewer improvements Water tap fees can only be used for sewer improvements which is currently reserved for the treatment plant Wastewater CIP fund is funded out of the wastewater utility rates which is approximately $140,000 a year 8 cents of property tax is reserved for street rehabilitation. Approximately $350,000 this year. This does not include minor street repairs. Interlocal agreements with Denton County to reconstruct Freese, Keaton, Cowling and McReynolds Road 4A funds for limited projects, approximately $300,000 a year 4B funds primarily pays bond debt on sports park and splash park 3.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. 4. Adjourn. Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m.