05/07/1956-CC-Minutes-RegularSECRETARY WAS TO TELL VALLEY VIEW OPERATOR NOT TO ACCEPT ANY CALLS COLLECT FROM VALLEY VIEW SECRETARY WAS TO FIND OUT ABOUT INSURENACE COVERAGE ON THE VALLEY VIEW POWER LINE Secretary w9s to tell Valle-7 View operator that the City will not accept any calls. collect .from Valley View unles l rrmde by Verg Brewer the City repro sent °lt ive in Valle-V Vi w. ',ecr(tary w ).s to find out abo»t insurance coverael on. the VJley Vi F w power Tine. irrindl_e p Jointed L-1 ol+it Cotnrn, .,.loner to repl , ce Johnson. motion b-f Spratt, seconded by Cooj)er toadjourn. Motion C<--Irried. 7T Mn May 7 1956 The City Council met in regular session on the above date, those presents were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Seely, and Windle. Acker Being absent. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. The monthly bills totaling §Z,,387.74 was read and a motion by Spratt, seconded by Seely to pay the bills, motion carried. Discussion was given on how Ross- Anderson was to handle the work for the City. He was to contact the Mayor' each morning and get his in$tructions for the days work, and not to hire any one unless approved by the Mayor first. Anderson was not to start any line extension without first approval of the.Mayor and'Council. Any major repair work was to be an_ proved before work begins. Anderson was to keep in contact withthe Mayor where he is working and also the secretary to know where to'get in touch with him when he is off working, in case an emergencey came up. AndersonJis to turn in a list of material needed to the Secretary and he was to order the material for him. This way Anderson will not loose working time ordering goods from salesmen. The council apnonted Mayor Wilson to have complete control of the work done on the outside. A motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to order !} connecting rods for the Enterprise engines at the plant for spare parts, motion carried. A motion by Spratt, seconded by Windle for the City to pay $15.00 on three fireman's uniforms, motion carried. The City Council voted against giving free service and free tax' s to two 7mn wanting to put in a garment factory here. ( Continued on Page 173) ( 00ontinued from Page 172) 173 Y i Z A OR AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PERMITS TO MOVE ANY HOUSE, BUILDING, MACHINERY, OR. OBJECT THAT WILL ENDANGER OR COME IN CONTACT WITH ANY POWER' WATEi, r OR SEWER LINE BELONGING TO THE CITY" OF SANGER, TPXAS. BE IT ORDANIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER , T EXA S SECTION 1. Any person, company, firm, corporation, or partnership moving any Vuildings machinery, other large objects on any streets or across any street in the City of Sanger shall first secure a permit from the City ,of Sanger, Texas. Section 2. Any permit requr,ing' the aid of the City of San gEr employees shall cost the mover 10.00 in advance of the move. Section 3. Any permit that does not require the aid of the �mpvoyees of the City of Sanger shall be given without cost if none of the City&s property is to be endangered or damaged. Section L„.�. Any person violating this ordiance shall be fined, upon conviction, mt less that $10.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7th DAY O,F M�.Y 1956. (Mayor) AN ORDINANCE REGULATI NG PARKING ON BOLIVAR STR !T, �,M STREET AND U.S. HIGHWAY ?7 IN THE CITY OF SANGER; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND DECLPRING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ,OF THE CITY OF SANGER, T E Section 1. It shall be unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to stop' stand, . or park such vehicle except in compl3.ance wi th t he dire eti on of a police officer or'traffic sign or signals within twenty- five (251) of the intersection of the north boundary line of Bolivar Street and the East boundry line of U.S. Highway 77 and within twenty®five feet (�51) from the intersection of the south boundary line of Elm Street and the east boundry line of U.S. Highway 77. (CONTTNUFD FROM PAGE 17,3) Section II. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on the east side' of U.S. Highway 77 between Bolivar Street and Elm Street except in a diagonal or head-on parking position and within the parking lines established by the City Mar shall. Sects on III. It shall be unlawful to stand or park any vehicle over or across parking lines established by the City Marshall. Sects on IV. (�,� The City Marshall of the City of Sanger may, t�enever he deems it advisable, impomnd or cause to be impounded, any automobile or other v®hicle parked, standing, or being, inviolation of any pro- vision or� provisions of this ordinance. (B) Such automobile or other vehicle shall be impounded at a place designated by the City Marshall; and a fee of �10.00 shall be paid by the owner of such automobile or other vehicle to the said City Marshall, in order to take and repossess such automobkle or other- vehi c1 e. ' (C) Upon the receipt off' said �10.00 fee "the said City Marshall shall deliver the possession of XXX such automobile or other vehicle to the owner thereof. (D) Said fee is charged as a police regulatory fee and to offset the expense of impounding. Section V. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall- violate or permit, or suffer or allow an�aone to violate any of;the provisions of this ordinance shall. be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction, shall be fined not to exceed the sum of �50.00. Section VI This ordinance shall be effective immediately upo�1 its passage and publican on as r equired by law. P.AS;;ED .AND APPROV.FD THIS 7 day of May , A.D., 19� . ATTEST CITY Seere Mayor, sty of alger, City of S ger, Texas A motion by Spratt, seconded by Windle to ad�o�zn, motion carried. XaS