12/15/1958-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 15, 1958 The City Council met in regular session on the move date those present were Mayor Wilson, councilmen Brown, Windle, Cooper, and Acker he minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. A motion by Seely, secrn ded by Cooper to run the City sewer line from 6th and Willow up 6th street to WOOD STREET and approximately 300' of line and property owner to run the additional 100' And the water line is to be run from 7th street UP Wood street, approx. 100' of water line and the property owner to take it from there. motion carried. ARSON REWARD ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THF RE RDTNG OF PERSONS WHO ARE INSTRUMENTAL IN BRINGING ABOUT FHE ARREST AND CON* VICTION OF PERSONS GUILTY OF THE CRIME OF ARSON. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MA`LOR OF THE CITY OF .ANrFR, TF:SB SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of Sanger is hereby required, authorized and empowered to offer a standing reward of one hundred 100.00) dollars paybale to the person or persons who shall be responsible for the arrestand conviction of any person committing in said City the crime of arson as the sane is now defined by the penal code of the State of Texas. SECTION 2. The reward offer shall -e published in t he form of a brief descrilJtiOn of the nature of the Reward printed on a placard, duly issued by said Mayor under his official signature and attested by the City Secretary and the seal of the City, and which shall be posted up in conspicuous places, one of which shall be at the City Hallaof said City in accordance with the regulations of the State Fire Insurance Department. SECTI.ON 3. Whenever the Mayor shall be informed that any fire occurring in said City was of an incendiary origin, he sha11 call for a report on the same by the City Fire Marshal;, and if said Marshall shall report that such fire was caused by the commission of said crime of arson, it shall become the duty of the Mayor to offer the reward above prescribed. SECTION !4. Upon information being given by any person or persons who shall cause the rrest and conviction of such. persons so qui_ty of a specific crime of arson for which said reward shall be offered, and after the final conviction of such person or persons, the person or persons so giving such information shall be entitled to receive from said City the said reward. SECTION 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here® with are herby repealed. SECTMON 6* if any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provsion of this ordinance sha11 be adjudged invalid or held unconsitutional, the sari e shall not affect the validity of th i_8 ordinance as a whole, or any part of provison hereof, other than continued onpa ge 24 7) continued from page 246) the paibt sondecided to be invalid of unconstitutional. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 15 day of December A.D. , 1958. eL MAY OR ATTESTS seal A motion by Windle, seconded by Cooper to pass and approve the above Arson Reward Ordinance, and also anpnve the Ordinances crekting the office of Rire Marshall, Seeting fine limits and requiring a permit to build any structure in Citv Limits of Sanger, and require license for any one doing electrical wiring and require City inspection of any electrical work done. Motion carried. A motion by Seely, seconded. by Cooper to remove Bob King as City Fire Marshall fnmm Office effective January 1, 1959, and to appoint Ray McClendon as City Pire Marshall beginnig January 19 1959, this motion carried. All Fire plugs was to checked for leaks and working con diti ons. The concrete curb and sidewalk on the east of the new City Hall was to dropped back 10fnom• the south side of the alley, making the alley way entranace from 2nd street 30' instead of the 20' entrance this was annroved by the City C olinc i l . The pole on Plum street on the north side of Caly' n T arberson new house was to be investigated to see if it could be moved, this pole carries the primary lines for Valley View and Bolivar. 1 1 11111711 17 4r :} 1 • c J 1 ORDIANCE AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING A BUILDING PERMIT OR THIS CONSTTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF ANY BUILDING WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGFRo REQUIRING THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE DTI O- LATION OF 'THIS ORDINANCE. Passed 15 day of December,1958. Continued on page248) Continued from page 2.7 ORDINANCE i AN ODINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF FIRE MARSIiAL, PRESCRIBING THE Dt1TTES THEREOF, PROVIDING FOR ITS MAINTENANCE, AND PRES- CRIBING X1 X l PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. Passed the 15 day of December 1958. A motion Cooper, s ecor ded by Se 1y to a djoa rn , motion married. f w. Mayor S ,re ata 3'y