09/07/2021-CC-Minutes-RegularBANGER *TEXAS MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tern Gary Bilyeu, Councilmembers: Marissa Barrett, Allen Chick, Dennis Dillon and Victor Gann. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, Director of Finance Clayton Gray, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Director of Finance Clayton Gray, Director of Public Works Jim Bolz, Interim Police Chief Jonathan Perkins, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammond, and Social Media Manager Laura Klenke. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum, Invocation, andPledge. Mayor Muir called the Regular Session to order at 7:04 p.m. The invocation given by Councilmember Chick the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Gann. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: No one addressed the Council. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a. APPROVAL OF THENIINUTES Consider the minutes ofthe August 16, 2021, Regular Meeting b. H.B. 2073 PAID QUARANTINE LEAVE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES PERSONNEL POLICY Page 1 of 5 Consider a policy regarding Quarantine Leave for Fire Fighters, Peace Officers, Detention Officers, and Emergency Medical Technicians employed by the City of Sanger. (Perkins/Staton) C. CDBG - JOINT ADMINISTRATIVE AGREEMENT Consider a Joint Administrative Agreement between Denton County and the City of Sanger regarding the administration of the Community Development Block Grant program, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. (Ciocan) Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to approve the consent agenda as presented. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consider Any Items Removed from ConsentAgenda. There were no items removed from the consent agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Consider appointing an applicant to the 4B Development Corporation. (Bradshaw/Edwards) Director Bradshaw provided an overview of the applicant's application. Motion made by Councilmember Dillon to appoint Stephanie Wood to the 4B Development Corporation. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 6. MARION POINT ACRES - REPLAT Conduct a public hearing and consider a Replat of Block A Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4 of the Marion Point Acres, within the City of Sanger's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, being approximately 26.444 acres, reclaiming unused right-of-way and increasing acreage to 27.36. (Hammonds) Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. Director Hammonds provided an overview of the proposed Replat, variances requested by the applicant, and stalfs recommendation for denial due to not receiving approval from the County. Lee, Allison, applicant, provided an overview of the right-of-way abandonment, easement, and county meetings process. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to deny the Replat of Block A, Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4 of the Marion Point Acres, within the City of Sanger's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, being approximately 26.444 acres, reclaiming unused right-of-way and increasing acreage to 27.36. Councilmember Barrett seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Page 2 of 5 7. FM 455 UTILITY RELOCATION AWARD OF CONTRACT Consider awarding a bid and approving a contract with Primoris Distribution Services for the IH 35 Electric Utility Relocation Project and, authorizing the Mayor and/or City Manager to execute the agreement and any related documents pending City Attorney approval as to form. (Prater) City Manager Noblitt provided an overview of the item. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to award the bid and approve a contract with Primoris Distribution Services for the IH 35 Electric Utility Relocation Project and, authorizing the Mayor and/or City Manager to execute the agreement and any related documents pending City Attorney approval as to form. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 8. 4A INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FY 2020-2021 BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR SEWER LINE PROJECT Consider Ordinance #09-22-2021, Amending the budget for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, and authorizing amended expenditures as provided. (Bradshaw) Director Bradshaw provided an overview of the proposed amendment. Discussion ensued regarding sewer service to the southside of FM 455 and Plum and TxDOT restrictions not allowing the city to bore under FM 455. Motion made by Councilmember Barrett to approve Ordinance 09-22-21, Amending the budget for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, and authorizing amended expenditures as provided. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 9. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2021-2022 BUDGET Conduct a public hearing for the proposed budget for the City of Sanger for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. No one addressed the Council. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. 10. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED TAXRATE Conduct a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 6.82% with the proposed tax rate $0.633711 per $100 of assessed valuation. (Proposed tax rate is a decrease from the preceding year's tax rate of $0.6791 per $100 of assessed valuation). Mayor Muir opened the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. Lynn Morgan, 217 Diane, spoke in opposition of setting the tax rate above the voter approved rate. Mayor Muir closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Page 3 of 5 11. ORDINANCE #09-18-21 APPROVING 2021 TAX ROLLS Consider Ordinance #09-18-21, Approving the 2021 Tax Rolls and providing for an effective date. (Gray) Director Gray provided a presentation of the slides regarding the tax rate comparison and the average value of residence. Motion made by Councilmember Chick to approve Ordinance 09-18-21, Approving the 2021 Tax Rolls and providing for an effective date. Councilmember Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 12. ORDINANCE #19-19-21 ADOPTING 2021-2022 BUDGET Consider Ordinance #19-19-21, Adopting the budget providing for the appropriation of funds for operating and capital expenditures for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022, providing for the intra- and inter -department and fund transfers, providing for unexpected revenues such as grants, donations, and insurance proceeds, providing for an effective date, and providing for approval of the investment policy. (Gray) Motion made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Ordinance 09-19-21, Adopting the budget providing for the appropriation of funds for operating and capital expenditures for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022, providing for the intra and inter -department and fund transfers, providing for unexpected revenues such as grants, donations, and insurance proceeds, providing for an effective date, and providing for approval of the investment policy. Councilmember Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The City Secretary conducted a roll -call vote and the Councilmembers voted as follows: AYES: Councilmember Barrett, Councilmember Bilyeu, Councilmember Chick, Councilmember Dillon, and Councilmember Gann. NAYS: None 13. ORDINANCE #09-20-21 RATIFYING PROPERTY TAXINCREASE Consider Ordinance #09-20-21, Ratifying the Property Tax Increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget and providing for an effective date. (Gray) Motion made by Councilmember Chick to approve Ordinance 09-20-21, Ratifying the Property Tax Increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget and providing for an effective date. Councilmember Gann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 14. ORDINANCE #09-21-21 LEVYING A TAXRATE Consider Ordinance #09-21-21, Setting the City's Ad Valorem tax rate at $0.633711/$100 of taxable assessed valuation for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022. (Gray) Page 4 of 5 Councilmember Gann moved that the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.633711 per $100, which is effectively a 6.82 percent increase in the tax rate. Councilmember Barrett seconded the motion. AYES: Councilmember Barrett, Councilmember Bilyeu, Councilmember Chick, Councilmember Dillon, and Councilmember Gann. NAYS: None 15. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: No future agenda item. 16. INFORMATION ITEMS: No information items. fi �DIZl18Wi l There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m. Thomas E. Muir, Mayor Kelly EdNNirds, City Secretary `\\\\X J i 11 / 1 i1OF S'4,� Page 5 of 5