04/18/1960-CC-Minutes-RegularApril d, 1960 The City Council'met in aregular session on the abbve date those present were Atayor Nilson, ouncilmen Acker, Seely, Windle, BrOwn, and Cooper. Air. Tittle and Pair. O dell of the Lone Stat Gaswas present The mmnutes of the previous meeting was read and. approved. 1'he niontnla7 bills totali g o19983.97 was read a moti0".. by Cooper, seconded by Acker to pay bills, motion carried. Council advised Ray 11eC1endon to take care of t(1e septic tank of the City and try to fret into working mxxdxx order. Ross Anderson handed in his written resignation to the City resigning at once. A motion by ;1ckor, seconded by I.Vindle to Accept leis resignation, motion carried. Ray to check on puttir+g street lights by llelvin Blevins, and Roy Spratt business. Have Creiiaehl ich work at the plant on tl e relief shifts until the work level off. t i otion b y Seely, seconded by Cooper to adjourn rnol,ion carried. ary April 18, 1960 MR HUGHES CRIDER POSSIBILITIES OF CITY SEPTIC TANK ODOR AN CAUSING MOSS TO FORM ON CREEK RUNNING THROUGH MR CRIDER PLACE TRASH HAULING MR. RIDGE POLE IN FRONT OF BILL MCREYNOLDS MOVED PAUL HENDERS PARK MOWING `1'he 'ity Counei met in a regular session. on the above d .te tho, e present were Aiayor tVilsot , Co incil.meu Cooper, 1leker9 llro vn9 Seely, and W)"hdle. Also Mr. John llughes, Mr. Crider, and Mr. Tittle and O'dell met with the Council. idr. Hughes and fir. Crider talked with the City Council on the possibilities of the City septic taralc n alcing an odor and causing moss to form on the creek ruining thru Mr. Crider place which did bc*long to Mr. Hughes. The Council told i "Ir.. Crider th;-it they would check into this and it it was aaytlitigg that was the Cit,y's fault they would try to correct it. Traslao hauling was discu:5sed and fir. Ridge was to be instructed to start picleing up all tide trash. The pole in front of Mr. Bill 11cll,eynolds lot was to be move a,nd see if ilr. Aietteynolcls xnx h vo ld slim the hole. P tul Henderson was to t;.ke cr-re of the park this year he will be paid 1®00 per hour rxntil he gets the park trimed up and t1en. for mowing he will be given . 6.,00 per week to keep the park lap. v ontinued fro, pate 292) The Council lalktructed the secretry to write Mr. Kibler in re-lArd be the $60.31 statements that he has sent to !;he City. That they. considered the bill paid as per original agreement for hire Alr. d'ibler to furnamh a new ch:,ir and repair the old chair in buying all the new office furniture. 1'Ixe electric system xVas discussed with llay ZcClendon, transformers tli,it a, e Needed was to be looked into find order them a few at a time until are needs are filled. WARNING PUT INTO THE PAPER ABOUT DUMPING JUNK AND DEAD ANIMIALS AT JUN GROUNDS. TRASH NOT DUMPED INTO ROADS ALL DEAD ANIMALS BURIED OR BURNED as to be pxzt into the paper about dumping junk and dead animals at the junk grounds. Tr::sh was not to be dumped into the roads and all dead animals was to be buried or burned. have Carter to watch junk grounds and issued tickets to anyone du ping trash and junk into the roads. AlcClendon asked for additional help with the electrical system and suggested Frank Owens be hired. A notion by Cooper, seconded by Acker to hire Frank Owens at $250.00 per month to work for the City if it was alright with 0. IV. Kieth his present raployer. Motion carried. LINEMAN'S EQUIPMENT ADDITIONAL TOOLS ICClendon xara:x instructed to Ilse the digger when he has a lot of digging to do instrad of trying to hire men to dig the ditch as it would be cheaper and faster. Lineman's equipment and additional tools was ok'ed to buy for £or the City.ls use. McClendnn was to make a list of equipment and tools needed and was to be order. A motion by Acker,seconded by tVindle ndx to adopt the followin,r_r ordin>,ce, moatioex carried. ORDINANCE 1960-1 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND DETERMINING THE GENERAL SERVICE RATE TO BE CHARGED FOR SALES OF NATURAL GAS AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSUMERS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER CITY COTJhiCIL OF ^1F-IZa CITY OF SIllVGERo SECTION 1, Effective With the First gas bills rendered on or after the day of , 1960, the general service ra+.,e for sales of natural has and natural gas service rendered to residential and commercial consumers within the city limits of Sanger by Loewe Star Gas ompnay, a Texras corporation, its successors and assigns, i as herbby fixed and determined as follows: Continued from page 29.3) tiIinimum Monthly Bill f 1.00 Readiness to Serve Charge 4X4JMX §.50 per month. .8433 Cross per MCF; '.759 net per MCF, Net J61M max rate shall apply to all from montrily billing date, Is paid within ten days THIS ordinance does not regulate aty rate or charge except those specifically set out hereinabove. The above rate is applicable to each residential and commerical consumer per month or for any part of a month for which gas is used at the same location. SECTION 2. The rate set forth is Section 1 may be changed and ammnded by either the City or Company furnishing gas in the manner provided by law. Servide hereunder is subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having ,jurisdiction, and to the 'ompanyls Rules and Regulations cu.rreihtly on file in the Compnuy's office. SECTION 3. The fact that thereAs i,s an imperative public need for an immediate change and adjustme#t in the rate for gas and gas service furbished to residential and commear cial eonsumerw creates an empergency and the reading and passage of this ordinance at three separate m meetings is hereby suspended and this ordiance shall tale effect and be in full force from and after the date of its passage at a single meeting and the api-roval thereof by the mayor. PASSED :'..-ND f\I'PROVED on this the 1Bt1i day of A : ril A.D. 1960. Mayor S` IEE OF T YAS a COUNTY OF DENTON I, Floy T. Ezell , Secretary of the ity of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed and approved by the City council of the City of Sanger at a. regular session held on the 1€th day of April 1960, as it appears of recrod in the Minutes of said Council, in Bi-ok V, page 293. V11ITNESS 11 Y BAND AND SEAL OF SAID CITY, this the 18th day of 11pri1, A. D. 1960. r < pity eero` a , City f Sanger, `texas No further business a motiol-+ by Cooper , seconded by tleker to ajdurnn motion carried. 14 ayor .The City Council met in regular session o thea,bove d te those present were Mayor Wilson, Councilmen Acker, Seely, Brown, Cooper, and Windle. The mhutes of the previous meeting leas read and approved.. 9:'he n onthl.y bills totaling 3,424.32 was read and a motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to pay bills, motion varried. permit to build a wooden building in the f 'ire Zone vas refered to Ordinance 1958®5 and turned over to the fire Marshall. This ordinance states that no wooden building be built in the Fire Zone. City decided to have Bi11 Switzer do the moving around town in the ditch and along the streets at the same price ofy2.50 per hour. City gave the lslethoclist, Baptist, and Presbyterian permission to use the City Park for a revival meeting. T ables for the Park was discussed and the Mayor was to see about getting t vo frames and haveing the tables but in the parr. Beginaxing Fiiday blay 6, 1960 the fire Siren will be blown at 12:00 Noon cash day except Sunday. A pump to pump the septic tank out with was d.dscussed and the council decided t® buy a pump from tVell hlachir ery Z Supply ltlodel 5A single diaphragm p amp with lvheel less tires this is a 411 discharge and intake with a 4' 14P air Cooled Engine, with enough hose to do the job throughly this pump was priced at .060.oO P.O.B. rge4wovy . El motion by Cooper, seconded by Windle to buy this pump, motion carried. Council informed bgeCldndon to stop every 'thing and start to work offi the septic tank and get it up into shape. Council was to see about b7Aying about 3 acres from L. T. I{erby next to the septic tank for use for our disposal plant. over