04/11/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularDon Holson met with the Council a®ncerning a Youth Summer llecreatioffi program. Motion was made by Seely and seconded by FYindle Chet the City pay 25C.CC an the program if the Lions Club, Chamber of Com- merce and Fire Department helps with $100•®C each. Motion Carried. Rlotion was made by lieker and seconded by C per that meeting ad- journ. Motion tarried, :% .!. .. . i 7 t -. : r .: a 1 t o Y . . €. C # - ..- .. I t . . ... ried, t I ... r.- - _• t bt. t .- -Y ,. 1 .. t. t # .. ..i t.. .. t.. 6 3 ,. Motion was Motion carried. Ci-trfi Secretary f .. t I t *: t , t .. ... 0 f t 1 t APRIL 11, 1961 The City Council met in a called session with Councilmen Acker' Kindle, Cooper, Seely, and Brown present and for f, the purpose of canvassing THE VOTES in the City Election, VOTES were counted>:by Councilmen. Acker, 1Vindle' and Brown with the following results: MAYOR TC WILSON-----113 WD LEWIS-----115 Councilmen G. A, Seely--------112 H. D. Cooper-------137 C.H. EASLEY-------154 ROY SPRATT---------141 Ben Harvey--------- 95 Horst---------- 1 Jones---------- 3 The oath of office was given to hlr. Lewin by City Secretary, Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by` 'Kindle that E, P+i, E.M. Acker be appointed Mayor Pro Tem Motion Carried, p l.. t. i .. .. .. ` +. t. i 5. t :.. is t