05/01/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 1, 1961 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Easley, Spratt' Cooper' d' indle and Acker present, ' Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker that the bills amounting to 1625.45 be paid. lotion carried. Councilman Acker reported that he had contacted Dr. Chapman concerning City Health Officer and he will accept the place at 10.00 per month. Councilmen Easley' Spratt, and McClendon were to see about the tools at the plant City Secretary McClendon was instructed to run a financial statement in the paper Secretary McClendon was instructed to change the Chevrolet pickup over to the service truck in place of the Internationa He was also INSTRUCTED to change the transformers at the ball FIELD Frank OWENSand Junior Denison are to receive a $10.00 raise' making $260.00 per month. ea - zrKa r r r eon. M .. i rs a + ' c City 'eCretary. Ms.y 15', 1961 Th.e City Council met in reg zlar session Urith Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Iindle, Ackera Cooper, Easley, and Spratt present. < • e . • . e - . • .. • • - • _ _•R • v ..• • r <.f.. • • a 3 • • • r .. o @ • • t • • s- • . • • • •, • • e• • a City