06/05/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 5, 1961 THE STATE HANDLE SPEED LIMIT ARRANGEMENTS ON BOLIVAR ROAD. SID HAMPTON TO BE CONTACTED AS RELIEF AT THE PLANT MAKE TRADE ON THE 37 1/2 TRANSFORMERS ASK STATE MEN PUTTING BLINKER LIGHTS ON LOOP 138 AND BOLIVAR AND ELM Councilwsession y Y- .. r Councilmen tcker, Windle, and Easley being present. Minutes were re,d and f `: f Y: to $2,561.02 be paid. Motion carried. Yj Tas agreeT ! Yeto Unc;. he Bolivar Road. f Y •, 'r .' Y i ,, 1 t _ . '. Y Y . a Y - t ,, ), 1. *... f: [ '. Xi .. ! f 3ontacted as relief man at the plant. Motion carried, Aotion by Windle and seconded by Acker that City Secretary Ray McClend nake trade on the 37% transformers. Motion carried, I Bill Carter is to see the State men about putting blinkers lights on the Loop 138 and Bolivar and Elm. Motion by Acker and seconded by Easley that meeting adjouitn. Motion carried. l s S@Grretary June 19, 1961 _P The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Council- men,Cooper, Spratt, Easley, Acker, and dVin present. Minutes we •e read and approved. Pat Weir met with the council to discuss ways and means to stop people from following the fire trucks to fires. It was decided that the City Secretary have the laws,concerning the above, published and that Constable Carter enforce these laws. 3ryan Goodger of the Central Telephone Company met with, the Council kt6orney Sullivan meet with the counc.11 to discuss the telephone deal, Iotion was made by Cooper and seconded Windle to send z 1 ton Jr. and A. J. Brown to the Fireman's School{ «. 11 July 23rd. Vlotion carried. V iotion was made by Easley and seconded by Ackerto adjourn. Carried. City Secretary