07/05/1961-CC-Minutes-SpecialJULY 5, 1961 CENTRAL TELEPHONE CONTRACT CITY FURNISH THE WIRE AND FUSES FOR THE BALLPARK called 0 The City Council met in xigilax session, having postponed the egular session due to the July 4th holiday. Those present were* Jayor Lewisq;.nd Coui. Cooper, e .. Easley, and Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Easley that the bills aimounting to $2485.071 Oity AttorneyJohn Sullivan met 1 r 1 discuss the entral Telephone contract. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded y Windle to have Bryan Goodgerp manager of the Telephone Company ect with the Council, with John Sullivan present. It was decided that the City furnish the wire and fuses for all park. journ, Motion carried. G G c / Ci ^'ecretary July 17, 1961 ey that meeting The City Council met in regular session' with Aiayor Lewis, and Councilmen ticker, Cooper' w1nd1e, Spratt, and Easley present. r 1 tV 14JULUPurij1 1 r- •( 1 0 A 1. ates be raised5_ period of one year, if the exchange is oved from Sanger Aug. 31st. ATotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Windle to let the opera- tors go Aug. 31, 1fl61. Motion carried. John Coker met with the Council concerning the culvert pipe for the Cemetery. A4otion was made by Easley and seconded by Spratt to let Walter Green work out the size and kind of pipe that will be needed® The 61ty will furnish as much as 100 ft. M otion was made by Easley and seconded b,y Cooper to adjourn, Aiotion carrida A ay o I t ec etary