09/18/1961-CC-Minutes-Regulara CouncilPhe City met Mayors • Councilmen Coope pratt, Acker,and Easley present. I in bills be paid. Motion carried. •11 111• w. • 7 • •f U.'. • • •C • outh of town be delayed until the next meeting. Motion was made by Easley and seconded by Acker to adjourn® Motion carried. / .,, a •0 1 Mi Ijill ill ' frI J41 LI 1C • : :: • agreed to run the first 1001of water finish out : y. •^ approximately •f per •• is"to be • '•v 00of • each connection after line4is completed until reimbursed for original cobt. SEPTEMBER 18, 1961 PAT LEBEAU LIGHT AND WATER BE RUN TO HIS 14.80 ACRES OF LAND ON INTERSTATE 35. AGREED TO RUN THE FIRST 100' OF 2" WATER LINE WITH LEBEAU TO FINSH AT THE COST OF $0.60 PER FOOT. REIMBURSED FOR EACH 100' OF LINE FOR EACH CONNECTION DC GHEEN ASKED THAT WATER BE RUN TO HIS LOCATION SOUTH OF TOWN ON INTERSTATE 35 ALFRED BURKS ASKED THAT WATER BE RUN TO HIS PLACE WEST OF SANGER ON FARM ROAD 455 3ouncil agreed to run 1001for • : • z W JO These three agreeing to com o. Morrow one, and Batis one, m )lete line xt approx. 3000')t with City having work done at 3ost of approximately 60 per foot These parties will be rem ^:• • ff • Oq • • •cost, Lmbursed for original cost, otion was made b r Easley and seconded by Cooper that the k1fred Burks met with the Council and asked that water be rqL reimbursing theee, parties for00 of y original cost. Motion was made by indl® and seconded by Ael er that Paul HENDERSON be paid his ve.cation time® Motion carried® Motion was mach by Motion carried® Oct, 2, 1961 The City Council met in regular session s ith Ia4ayor Lewis' and Councilmen Cooper' Spratt' Ackery Easley and iVindle present, Aiotion was made by Acker and seconded by Hindle that bi11s amounting to 841®79 be paid, Motion carriedo Aiotion was made by Acker and seconded by Easley to raise Yinnie Seal's salary 25;00, Aiotion carried® ';,' Air® 9. E, Heaton Jr,' auditor for the city9 met with the council to discuss a change in the bank account, D [otion was made by Acker and seconded by Easley to make the change, Motion earriedo It was decided to take and ad in the High School annual. Aiotion wao made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt to adjourn, A4o ion carried, ' Secretary