10/02/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularOCTOBER 2, 1961 RAISE WINNIE SEAL'S SALARY WE HEATON, JR, AUDITOR; CHANGE IN BANK ACCOUNT PLACE AD IN HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL q5tion was MeR r RTTIFIF R • • f • . er M.Mv LeFFY ARM ..r lerson be paid his vacation time. Motion carried* ilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Easley and Windle present. ounci lotion was madeby Acker and seconded by Windlebills amounting ;. $84. 17 Motion carrie1 Alotion was made by Acker and seconded by Easley to rare Winnie Sea1's salary 825o00. Motion carried, . Atr. 1W. E. Heaton Jr. auditor for the city9 met with the council to discuss d change in the bank account. Notion vaas made by Acker and seconded by Easley to make the change. Motion carried. It was decided to take and ad in the High School annual. Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt to adjourn. Mo ion carried. C4''t %Sec 'etary `