1960-3-Ordinance-Annexing 220.97 Acres Abstracts 1241, 040, 1664, 562, 71 and 682-12/05/1960ORDINANCE 1960®3 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A 149UNICIPAL CORPORATION, 220.97 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE, 1�NHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Article 974, Revised Civil Statues of Texas, a majority of the inhabitants qualified to vote for members df:.th'o :)fate Legislature, of the hereinafter described territory adjoining and being contiguous to the city limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corporation, voted in favor of said territory becoming a part of the &aid City of Sanger, Texas, and presented a petition in writing, dated October lat, 19609 to the Mayor and City Council of the said City of Sanger, Texas, for the annexation of said territory by ordinance to the said City of Sanger, Texas, signed by a majority of said inhabitants of said territory qualified to vote for members of the State Legislature, and duly verified by affidavit of three of such inhabitants in the manner prescribed by law; and ! the City ! !. ! k City of i ` i. . on December! Jy the Mayor of the City of i er� Texas, for appropriate action as auth� orIzed by said Article 974, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas; NOtiV THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE -.CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF S2INGER, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION L. The hereinafter described territory, lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas, adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, to®wit: All that certain land� situated in Denton Countyq Texas, Lbstract No. 040, the Felipe Jaime Survey, Abstract Nol JohnsonSurveyo Abstract No. Burlesonb. No. ohnson Survey, Abstract No. 682, and being more -articularly described by metes and boundsasfol)-owsv i BEGINNING at a point In the H. Tierwester Survey hence 1,459 feet East of the center of the Public Square n he City of Sanger, Texas, said Public Square being :lock No. 18 of the original Town nd being a point in the South line of the present City 4 its Imi of said City Sangerwhere said s r he West of f line of ! 9 f i and anta Fe Railway, said! . of the present �o 1911, and of record in Volume ?5, page 143, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and also being a point that is 1,181 feet 1�'est of the Southeast corner. of said City Limits; THENCE South 5 d.egrees Fast along the 1Yest right of way line of said railroad, 2,650 feet to a point in said right of way that is South a perpendicular distance of 2,640 feet from said South City Limits Line; THEDICE `Vest parallel to said South City Limits Line a distance of 2,670 feet to a point in the tiYest line of the right of way of the recently discontinued U. S. highway No. ?7, a point in the �. 1Z, Burleson Survey, Abstract No. 71; THENCE North 1 degree Nest along the Nest line of said highway a distance of 780 feet to a point in the South line of said H, Tierwester Survey; TIII�;NCL Nest along the South line of said survey 213 feet to he Southerly right of way line of the present U. S. Highway No. 77, Sanger Business Route; THENCE along the Southerly right of way line of. said Business Route on a curve to the right 318 feet to the end of said curve, Nortli 87 degrees 2d minutes 1Vest 204.4 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left, FVesterly along said curve 1EI8 feet to the end of said curve and South 78 degrees 13 minutes �9est 79®5 feet to the right of way line of ari Interchange area of Interstate Highway No, 35, said highway also being designated as 1Zelocated United States Highway IIe. 77; THENCE following along the linos of said interchange South 2 degr.ees East 104a9 feet and South 87 degrees 10 minutes Nest 350 feet to the East right of way of the main route of said highways; THENCE North 2 degrees 50 minutes tVest along the Fast right of Fvay of said highways, at 250 feet pass the South- east corner of the present city limits of .said City of Sanger, as defined in an ordinance of annexation dated October 10, 1959, a copy of said order being of record in Volume 452, page 353, of the Deed Records of Den,on_County, Texas, and continuing North 2 degrees 50 minutes '49est along the said East City Limits 1,845 feet, a total distance of 2,095 feet to the South one of the present City Limits, being the origa.nal city limits line of said City of Sanger as defined in said Order of Incorporation dated November 25, 1911; THENCE East along said city limits line a distance of 3,979 feet to the PLACE OP BEGINNTNG, containing a total of 220.97 acres of land, same being Oe3d5 square mile; i Ahall be and 91 is hereby annexedto the k. of anger, Texas, and said land and territory shall hereafter be a fart of said City of X. < 5' i. municipal corporationp ind all presentfici of said annexed is Lhall be subject to all ordinances said City of Sanger,u ow in force or hereafter adopted, and shall have, hold, and possess, 11 A duties, and obligations held and xsby ither inhabitants of yTexas, .. all taxable roperty in annexed ar.,shall bear,: proata part of S. ll �ax,.s lsassessed, collectedsaid City of Sanger, k .. x. This ordinance sha11 become effective on the date of its passage' as set forth below, ATT�STs AI'PRO`l�D AS `.[' 0 FORM a The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Council® men �asley9 EVindle9 Aoker1 Spratt9 and Cooper present® The minutes were read and approved® The problem of collecting delinquent,was discussed as to the best way of collecting same, The City Secretary was instructed to send Jelin® quen.t statements as remihders, Afayor Lewis discussed plans for reorganization of city employees. Motion was made by Spratt and seconded by Cooper that this program be accepted. Motion carried, Rlotion was made by Acker and seconded by 11131ndle to adjourn. Motion carried, City Secretary Mayor ORDINANCE NO 1960-3 ANNEXING 220.97 ACRES OF LAND henry tierwester ABSTRACT 1241 MCKINNEY AND WILLIAMS CURVEY ABSTRACT 940 FELIPE JAME SURVEY ABSTRACT 664 WE JOHNSON SURVEY ABSTRACT 562, MR BURLESON SURVEY ABSTRACT 71, WP JOHNSON SURVEY ABSTRACT 682 `v ? OI3DIl ?ANCE A. ?1' TEXII TG m0 TIC CITY OF S_AI'?CrER, TEiiAS, A I .'[U1 IICIPAL CORPORATIOS7, 220.97 ACRES CF LAT D, T,.ZORE OR LE;= , 7,j.ZIT ?G , •ID BEITTG STLTA.`.t'ED IN DE'_'?T n? GOI?i,?TY, TE "AS, ArJI?CEI ?T -= II7 C •:)i 11I ,TC US TO TIC CITY LI:ZTS OF S1' GER T`. .= 5, LI DESCRIBIT?G SAID T31 T: D RRITORY BY I t'-TES hT IJ BOUTIL S, AT lD PRESCRIBING TIC' EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINI T ?CE. r ?ILR S, pursuant to the provisions of Article 974, Revised Civil =tatutes of Texas, a majority of the inhabitants qualified to -vote for members of the State Legislature, of the hereinafter described territory ad joining and being contiguous to the city • limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corporation, voted in favor of said territory becoming apart of the said City of Sanger, Texas, and presented a petition in writing, dated October lst, 1960, to the I;:ayor and City Council of the said City of Sanger, Texas, for the annexation • of said territory by ordinance to the said City of Sanger, Texas, signed by a majority of said inhabitants of said territory qualified to vote for members of the,_ State Legislature, and duly verified by affidavit of three of such inhabitants in the manner prescribed by law; and ` IERE S, said petition and supporting affidavits were duly certified to the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on December 5th, 1960, by the T• Tayor of the City of ;;anger, Texas, for appropriate action a.s authorized by said .Article 974, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas; ?`TOY J, 'IIi SORE, BE IT ORD. ZNLD BY CITY COUNCIL OF rt'f. E CITY OF SA dC.-ER, TE1 S, 'I'rl '-LT: ` 'C TION 1: The hereinafter described territory, lying and. being situated in Denton County, Texas, adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated limits of the City of `anger, Texas, to wit: All that certain land., situated in Denton County, Texas, described as follows, to -wit: Being parts of the Henry Tiervrester Survey, Abstract 'o. 1241, the a•icKinney a, d : dilliams Survey, Abstract :e;o. 940, the I`elipe Jaime Survey, Abstract T ?o. 664, the ',J. G. Johnson Survey, `Lbstract 1`10. 562, the T . . R . Burleson :purvey, Abstract T To . 71, and the ' : . F . To has on >`3urvey, .gib strac t P?o . 682, aryl. being more particularly described by metes 1.nd. bounds as follows, to -wit: -1- BECIr7i�?I1�Tr at a point in the H. Tierwester Survey that is 2, 640 feet `,Jest, thence 2, 640 feet South and thence 1,459 feet East of the center of the public Square in the City of Sanger, Texas, said Public Square being Block_�lo. 18 of the Ori;;inal Tovrn of said City of ��anger and being a point in the South line of the present City Limits of said City of Sanger where said line crosses the �,'est right of way line of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway, said South line of the present City Limits being the same line as described in the Order of Incorporation of said City of Sanger, dated November 25, 1911, alid of record in �Tohzme 75, page 143, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas, and also being a point that is 1,181 feet :;lest of the Southeast corner of said_ City Limits; ONCE South 5 degrees East along the ti�test right of way line of said railroad, 2, 650 feet to a point in said right of vaay that is South a perpendicular distance of 2,640 feet from said South City Limits Line; `_':,I:�I�?CE ��'�Test parallel to said South City Limits Line a distance of 2, 670 feet to a point in the i,�?est line of the right of way of the recently d iscontinued U. S. �Iighway i�?o. 77, a point in the i'�.i. R. Burleson Survey, l.�bstract ?��o. 71; Ti�TTCE R?orth 1 degree �i�jest along the vilest line of said highway a distance of 780 feet to a point in the South line of said H. Tierwester ��'urvey; ��i�{;NCE ��Jest along the ��outh line of said survey 213 feet to the Southerly right of �.�ay line of the present U. S. Highway 110. 77, Sanger Business Route; TH NCE along the Southerly right of wa.y line of said 3usiness Route on a curve to the right 318 feet to the end of said curve, l�:orth 87 degrees 24 minutes ��ilest 204.4 feet to the beginning; of a curve to the left, 'llesterly along said curve 168 feet to the end of said curve and South 78 degrees 13 minutes ;Vest 79.5 feet to the right of v�Tay line of an Interchange area of Interstate Highway No. 35, said highvray also being designated as Relocated LTnited States lii�;hway No . 77 ; THET�E following along the lines of said interchange ;mouth 2 degrees Last 104.9 feet a.nd South 87 degrees l0 minutes iyest 350 feet to the East right of way of the main route of said highways; ��i�'ENCE P�Torth 2 degrees 50 minutes �dest along the East right of way of said highv��a.ys , at 250 feet pass the South- east corner of the present city limmits of said City of Sanger, as defined in an ordinance of annexation dated October 10, 1959, a copy of said. order being of record in Volume 452, page 353, of the Deed P�ecords of Denton County, Texas, and continuing TTorth 2 degrees 50 minutes a''�est along the said East City Li.r�its 1,845 feet, a total distance of 2,U95 feet to the �_outh line of the present City Limits, being the original city limits line of said City of Sanger as defined in said ��rder of Incorporation dated :[3ovember 25, 1911; TT�NCE East along said city limits line a distance of 3, 979 feet to the PLI�CE OF' BEGITSi�NG, containing a total of 220.97 acres of land , same being 0.345 square mile; _ �_ shall be and the same is hereby annexed to the said City of Saner, Z'exas, U.U.d said and and territory shall hereafter be a part of the said Citty of *Danger, Texas, a muni cipal corporation, and all present and future inhabitants of said annexed territory shall be subject to all ordinances of said City of Sanger, Texas, now in force or hereafter adopted, and shall have, hold, and possess, all rights, duties, and obligations held and possessed by all other inhabitants of said City of manger, Texas, and. all taxable property in said annexed area shall bear its pro-rata part of all taxes levied, assessed, and collected by said City of ranger, Texas. S"EC TIOId 2 . `ibis ordinance small become effective on the date of its passa;;e, as set forth below. A.PPROtL this the 5th day of Uecer2ber, A. Ii. 7 960. .tiTTEST: ee/city Secretary CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY P TITI®N TC i ANII TIC N T: UiV-IG IP 9I, G C1'G ! IQN Revised Givil Statutes oP Texas, hereby vote in Favor oP said - • : " T • i it /, . • • - • • s M - ill that certain land, situated in L'enton Gount y, Texas, described as follows, to -wit: • = ■- • • •46the Felipe Jaime Survey, Abstract664, the urvey, Abstract No. 71 and the 71T. P. Johnson Survey, bstract No. 682, and being more particularly described y metes and bounds as follows, to wlt. hence 1,459 feet East of the center of the Public quare in the City of Sanger, Texas, said Public Square eing Block No* 18 of the original Town of said City :f Sanger and being a point in the South line of the 1 Liml of said C tv of Sanger where said - crosses the West right of - of - olorado and Santa Fe Railway*, said,South line of the resent City Limits being the same line, as described n the Order of Incorporation of said City of Sanger, .ated November 25, 1911 and of Record ITI Volume 75, page 43, of ■ -s Records of - • •, County,Texas,and ,lss being . point thatof outheast corner of said City Limits; =EITCE South 5 degrees East along the 7VTest right South f 2,640 feet from Sala South City Limits Line; tl distance of 2,670 feet to a point in the ,Iest line of he right of way of the recently discontinued U* So r Ighway No.point 3 the H. R. Burleson ,bstract No. C THG. North l degree Wiest along the West line of ® said highway a distance of 730 Peet to a point in the South Tine oP said . Tiervvester ,Survey; Z }pest along the South line of said survey pa 213 feet to the Southerly right of way line of the present .c U• S• Highway No. 77, Sarger Business Route; -1- `1Z _ ICE along; the Southerly right of vvay line of said Business Route on a curve to the right 318 feet to the end of said curve, Tdorth 87 degrees 24 minutes v`est 204.4 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left, "ffresterly along said curve 168 feet to the end of said curve ark. South 78 degrees 13 minutes est 79.5 feet to the right of vray line of an interchange area of Interstate Righvs ay Io. 35, said highway also being designated as Relocated united States -Ii gh r ay Tdo . 7 7 ; `I2 I TC following along the lines of said interchange South 2 degrees Jast 104.9 feet and Souti . 87 degrees 10 minutes J est 350 feet to tlae East right of v ay of the main route of said highvvays9 `_ 'NCE TTorth 2 degrees 50 minutes : eest along the East right of u ?ay of said highvuays, at 250 feet pass the 8out ieast corner of the present city limits of said City of Sanger as defined in an ordinance of annexation dated October 10, 1959, a copy of said order being of record in iolune 452, page 353 of the Beed Records of Benton County, 'exas, and continuing North 2 degrees 50 minutes ;aest along the said East City Zimits 1,845 feet, a total distance of 2,095 feet to the South line of the present City limits, being the original city limits line of said City of Sanger as defined in said Order of Incorporation dated November 25, 1911 `1' NCE East along said city limits line a distance of 3, 979 feet to the Pl1 .CE 0 ` BEGINZ 'II IG, containing a total of 220.97 acres of land, same being 0.345 square mile; kE e, ax3d each of us, further hereby petition the City Council ofi the said City of ganger to annex said territory by ordinance to the said City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corporation, as authorised by said _ .z°ticle 974 of the F evised Civil Statutes of Texas. .e territorial limits of said City of Sanger, as provided by laver. lst day of Qctober, ? . Il. 1960. ROY SPROUT CARL REITER LINEHAM ALMA K BROOKS WAIDE BUCKLEW VAUGHN 1 'F'7 A `l' +'u'e, the undersigned, hereby certify, upon our respective r - - ><s s r s sr -s , - s sash of us, are inhabitants of the territory described in the vote for .eabers of the State ,egislature; that v e have examined - .ate - s a - •- a a' . - thereon, that said petition for annexation has been duly signed by said City of Sanger, Texas, described by metes and bounds in said - - • 1 - f # Il i tt ' - # SU33 SC . B, .S`e',i 0 SIT TC ` H ® ', T',' , z, . D. 196®. tt'i.1S the day Of s t r sat s' I, T. C . T . LSt N, . ayor of the City of Sanger, Texas, hereby a- • - s • - r - s y- together ve ith the affidavit set forth hereinabove, virere duly filed ;s with. me on the ` ` R day of e e-r, 1 .. . 196®, ands rereby ' - s r•, n ' - -r Civil Statutes of Texas, to annex said property -to the_said City ® of Sanger, 9i 9 9 A Texas, by ordinance. I rrayor, City of Sanger, Texas, .l unieipal Corporation. -3-