10/16/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularShalland the samea-y annexed to the said City of Sanger,a and said landand territoryhereafter part of of n g.Texas,a municipal corporation, and all present and future inhabitantsof annexed territory shallbe subject ► a ordinances of said City of Sanger, now ► or hereafter r _ and shall have, hold,possess, all rights, duties, and obligations held and possessedby all other inhabitants of F a City of „ and all taxable pr a s a a t r s part r a taxes levied, assessed, and collected OCTOBER 16, 1961 COLLECTING DELINQUENT TAXES REORGANIZATION OF CITY EMPLOYEES The City Council met in regular session with 4ayor Lewis and Council® men Easley' SVindle, leker Spratt, and Cooper present® The minutes were read and approved® The problem of collecting; delinquent,,was discussed as to the best way of collecting same, The City Secretary was instructed to send delin® quent statements as remihders, Asayor Lewis discussed plans for reorganization of city employees. A9o4.ion was made by ipratt and seconded by Cooper that this program be accepted. Motion carried, Motion was made by Acker and seconded by Windle to adjourn. Motion carried, r City `ec.retary