11/08/1961-CC-Minutes-SpecialNOVEMBER 8, 1961 NIGHTWATCHMAN, BILL CARTER, MR SANDERS DEPUTY CITY MARSHALL HERBERT YOUNG, 100' OF SEWER LIN PER HOURS POWER COMPANY BUYING POWER RAISE MR. SCOGGINS, JB HAMPTON'S SALARY MR WES CHIEF ENGINEER AND JP ASST ENGINEER The CityCouncil met in called the Oeath in the family of one of X. councilmen. Presento Councilmenneeting were Mayor Lewlsq sEasley _ WPM reaV )y Acker that the bills of $4383.27 be paid. Motion carriedl Bill Carter met with the C®uncil concerning the nightwatchman Alr. Sanders. Motion was made by Windle and seconded by Acker that Air. Sanders be the nightwatchman and also be Deputy City Marshall under Jr. Carter. Motion carried. l erbert Young of Denton is to be advised that the city will run 100' of sewer line per house. The City Secretary .was asked to contact a Power Company in regards to buying power if needed. ind J. P. Hampton's b. Chief Engineer and J. P. Asst. Engineer, This raise 3f A9otion was made by Easley and seconded by indle carried. City Secretary The City Council met in regular session with Afayor Lewis and Co incil® men Spratt' EasleyICooper' bindle and Acicer present. John Lewis Sullivan' City Attorney9 was asked t® write anti ordinance concerning d®gs runffiing®at®lame in the city. City A3arshall Bill Carter was to see about building a pen for these animals. 00 tion was made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt to pay Boyd Powers $12.00 for damage done to TV set. Motion carried. It was decided that a letter be sent to each customer concerning garbage containers. It was also decided that the Christmas lights be put on the streets. '' Aotion was made by Easley and seconded by Acker that Spratt and work on t1ffl Wgine at the platto Motion carried.