11/20/1961-CC-Minutes-RegularM Phe City Uouncil metfff caed Session because of postponement due Tjo bho Reath t this aeeting were Mayorop inutes read e, w3t7fun 7777MARTUt z flnl )y Acker that the bills of 8.. .27 b. ex carriedl Bill Carter met with the C®until concerning the t3ightwatchman9 Air. Sanders. Motion was made by Windle and seconded by Acker that Mr. Sanders be the nightwatchman and also be Deputy City Marshall under Jr. Carter. Motion carried. )Torbert Xoung of Denton is to be advised that the city will run 1000 of sewer line per house. TAP City Secretary.vras asked to contact a Power Company i.n regards to buying power if needed. ind J. P. c salary s,4f each.o be Chief Engineer and 2 5. and $270 respectively. Motion was made by Easley and second®d by indle to adjourn. Motion carried. t Secretary NOVEMBER 20, 1961 The City Council met in regular session with Aayor Lewis and Co ncil® mei'A Spratt9 Easley9Cooper9 1'dindle and Acker present. John Lewis Sullivan9 City Attorney9 was asked t® write and ordinance concerning DOGS RUNNING AT-LARGE in the city. City A arshall Hi11 Carter was to see about building a pets for these animals. lotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt to pay Boyd Powers v$12.00 for damage done to TV set. Motion carried. It was decided that a letter be sent to each customer concerning garbage containers. It was also decided that the Christmas lights be put on the streets. dotion was made by Easley and seconded by Acker that Spratt and Poll" 0 PENNEBAKERj = ikncerniniywork on the ENGINE AT THE PLANT . .i )yas made , Ackerand seconded by Easley that Cooper contact expense Harvey & Switzer about a 6" water line to determine what part of the . .. 11 i. 1 1 '• P K " 1 1 F ' - i ,. 1 3 4 " 1 1 k:. ' i ' . iS t .. i h be Motion strictions be on the 1 belonging 1 Miss Cathlene Gentle as on the lots in the Easley Addition. Motion carried. h otion was made by Easley. and seconded by Acker to discount the interest on the taxes on the Mrs. ZV, T. Jones property, Lotion carried, h otion was made by Easlgy and seconded by Spratt to adjourn,. Afotioffi carried® City Set retary eeu in regular si ii • s ••• _ F,mployees Meet With councile Mayor Lewis explained organization Kmas checks and fruit cakes were presented to each employe, Minutes read and approved. Tohn Sullivan. 4otion by Acker and seconed • - Cooper to adjourn motion0