12/04/1961-CC-Minutes-Regulari A40tion as made by Acker and seconded by Easley that Cooper contact Harvey & Switzer about a 611 water line to determine what part of the expense they would pay. Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Easley to ,4djour .1 Carried oo M$1,111.82 be paid. Motion DECEMBER 4, 1961 SAME RESTRICTIONS BE PUT ON THE LOT BELONGING TO MISS CATHLENE GENTLE AS ON THE LOTS IN THE EASELEY ADDITION DISCOUNT THE INTEREST ON THE TAXES ON THE MRS WT JONES PROPERTY strictions be put on 1 belonging to Miss Cathlene Gentle as on the lots in the Easley Addition. Motion carried. a City Secretary r (mas checks and ruit cakes were presented to each employe. Minutes read and approved, Tohn Sullivan. 4otion •.T. Acker .r.. • seconed by Cooper .. • adjourn motion ..q•. C j.t j eCretary _