01/31/1962-CC-Minutes-SpecialThe City Council met in a called meeting with Mayor Lewis and Council- men Spratt, Cooper,&Easley present. Mr. 0. W. Keith also met with the council as a consultant. 3razos Electric Power Coop met with the council to discuss the probab][ lity of buying power from them. Mr. AVaide was asked to figure the cost ?er kilowattand alsothe standbycost. h otion was made by Cooper and seconded City Secretary d. The City Council met in called session with h4ayor Lewis, and Council® men Cooper, Spratt, Easley, and Acker present, Mr. Keith also met with the council. This meeting was called to discuss utilities for a gin as to rates and as to the best way the gin might be served. Motion was made by Easley and seconded by Cooper that the city furnish power for the gin at the rate of 2.00 per ginned bale. Water will be charged as metered. This contract to run for five years. Motion carried. Motion was by Spratt and seconded by Acker that the city pay her. Keith $100.00 for service rendered. Motion carrel. Motion was made by Acker and 'seconded by Cooper to n.djourn. Cr„ar ried. Mav6r Ci y ecretary JANUARY 31, 1962 BRAZOS ELECTRIC AND THE COST IF PURCHASED The City Council met in called session with h9ayor Lewis, and Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker, and Easley present. fir. Keith and City Attorney John Sullivan met with the council. hir. Waide of Brazos Electric also met with the council to discuss power as to the cost, and as to the cost 0f bought from Brazos Electric. The cost of bringing power to the plant was discussed as'`well as ::the best way to build the substation, whether Brazos would build or whether the city would build. MR Easley and MR Sullivan are to look into ways of financing this pro- ject, if the city is to put in the substation. A4r. Sullivan is to draw up the contract for gin power, Pair. Easley made the motion to ac .journ and second was made by Air. Acker. Aiotion carried„ _ ,; > _- F `F ; r 3 r' February 5, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Aiyor Lewis, and Councilmen Acker, Spratt, Cooper, and Easley present, City Attorney John Sullivan also met with the council. Aiotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Easley that the bills amount- ing to 1049,61 ba paid, Motion carried. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to give the FI & Ii Tomato %louse a 20 foot loading zone, and to give Bucklew Furniture a 15 foot loading zone. Motion was made b,y Spratt and seconded by Easley that an election be called for the purpose of electing `two councilmen. Motion carried. Mr, lyoolridge of TP & L met with the council to discuss ;the power problem as to our needs and the best way to meet these needs and Mr, IYoolridge is to present plans to this effect and the post, at a later date. Aiotion was made by Acicer and seconded by Easley to adjourn. Aiotion carried. City ecretary , 1 p % Y jJjr( l f) + / / n a $ d ' !. Mayor y c - ., February 6, 1962 The City Council met in a called meeting with Aiayor Lewis, and Council- men Cooper, Aciter, Spratt, and Easley present, Air. 0. , Keith met with the council, . Ivir, Vaide of Brazos Electr. is also i et with. the council, and he is to be notified after tls.€ e:tfi.n o;ox I 'eb; ; . t ' as to the acceptance or rejection of the contract that has been arawn up for consideration.