04/16/1962-CC-Minutes-Regular April 16, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with A;layor Lewin , Cooper, Spr. att, .(icker, Easley' and It@ady present. Mr. ACKER will continue acting as mayor pro tem Dick Ready, one of the incoming councilmen, w : : added to the water and sewer committee, Alotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Easley to;pay the night- watchman $35.00 car expense because of carrying DOG ORDINANCE Alotion carried Motion was made by 5pratt and seconded by Ready to rain® Junior Denison's salary 25.00, also he is to have charge over all outside work® Alotion carried. g Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by pratt that the DOG ORDIANCE beFaaaed, to become effective May lst. Motion carriedo Motion was made by Acker ,and seconded by_Spratt,to have Mr. MILLER OF BRAZOS ELECTRIC CHANGES TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT of Drazos Electric make changes in the original contract and send to the Council, also to have him call Mr..Sullivan, the city attorney. Motion carried® _. Alotion nas made by Easley and seconded by Cooper that the secretary GET BIDS on the water and electric lines to be run for the new gin. MotPion carried® PTA COOK BOOK Alotion by Cooper„and seconded by Spratt to adjourn, Motion carried® lL ' iC f -,r4. --- Ci, secretary f . ,% t ' F d lti'1'ao ' `,,' ' ,.. i April 27, 1962 Thai City Council. met in a called meeting with Alayor Leda, and Council- men Cooper, Acker, Easley, and Ready present. John tlliYan' city attorney was also present. The meeting was called to study the Brazos Electric Cooperative con- traet. Aid® Sullivan explained the contract and answered'queationa a to his understanding of sa ie. Motion waa`,made by Easley and seconded by Acker that the council accept the contract .as presented by Brazos Electric, if`com letion date can be agreed ulion, ( 60 day .with a maximum of 90 days 9 A11 the councilment were for the contract, .. i ► « e, r , 1 1 S ' Carter put < 1 . Mayor __,_ City Sec,