05/21/1962-CC-Minutes-Regular34 May 7, 192 The City Council met in regular sass°on wi h Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker,.as e e y present. dilI Carter and reel Denison meto with the Co cif and discusseu problems they might have had. Both reported everything running smo thl ® Motion was ade hmr Cooper and seconded bypratt tlsat tY e bills imounting to $172JA15 be paid. Motion carried® i Jotion was made by Spratt and seconded by :Carley to adjourn. Carried. C dcretary It was deckled. t® suit uzatil cool weather to laa,Be and needed. work done on the water tower® otion to ad oursa was wade b 5pratt ar d seconded ber carried, MAY 21, 1962 REPORT PROGRESS OF THE NEW GIN WORK ON WATER TOWER City Council met inregularsession with .a3 or Lewis a,nd Co aneilmer Cooper, pratt, c%er, ead , and asle * present® ainutes were read and approved. lotion was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper that the bills amounting to $3925.20 be paid. Motion carried. lotion was made by Ready and seconded by EasleILA y to bud Mr. handers a radio for his police car, t%e az ou st of cost 150®00® otkn carri €1. resolution between the City of Sanger and the G 6 & S F Railroaul rantin the Cit permission to drill a hole under the tracks of s aiscusse anavvueu + Readyhis resolution was agreed on. Oe " otion,yas%made%by Easley nd seconded by F a. $ `el