05/07/1962-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 7, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker,,as e ea present® BILL Carter and fired Denison met with the Co cil and discussed problems they might have had.® Both reported everything running 3mo thl ® gotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt that the bills imounting to $1721.15 be paid. Motion carried.® potion was Made by and seconded b Easley to adjourn. Carried® It was decided to wait until cool weather to have and needed work done on the water tower, gotion tea ad, ourn was made b pratt and seco aded bar carried . dune 4, 19 The City Council met in regular session wit a a,or hewis and Councilmen Cooper, pratt, cker, p.ead , and l;asle present® 2 inutes were read and. approved. 2 otion was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper that the bills amounting; to aq325®2A be paid® lotion carp°ied® notion was made by Ready and seconded by Easley to buy fir, handers a radio fc r klis police ear, the arx aaant e cost 5( ®00® motion carri d® resolution between the City of Sanger and the G 6 & S F Railroa Re rallroaa To run water Tnrougn was aiscussea one his resolution was agreed on. otion r. ,xas,made by Easley nd seconded by Ready 41r,%rdjo