06/04/1962-CC-Minutes-Regularlae City Uouncil met in regular snss on with Mayor Lewis, and dilI Carter and fired Denison met with the Co cil and discussed. Sroble s they might have had® Both reported everything running smo thly® Potion was made by Cooker end seconded by ratt that the bi11s as o tin to 7 , y 5 be paid.® Motion carried® 0tion was made by Spratt and seconded by Easley to adjourn. Carried® w rx / y // 9 C1 yes 6eretary It was decided to suit acntil cool weather to have any needed worl one on the water toner, ion to adjourn was made by Pratt arad seconded b carried, e The City Council met in regular session with ayor Le ris and Co ancilexz Ce o er S ratt .c2 er, ii,eady and iasley present® JUNE 4, 1962 BUY MR SANDERS A RADIO FOR HIS POLICE CAR RESOLUTION RAILROAD GRANTING THE CITY PERMISSION TO DRILL A HOLD UNDER THE TRACKS OF THE RAILROAD TO RUN WATER THROUGH ainutes were read and approved. lotion was made by Acker and seconded by Cooper that the bills amounting to $3925.20 be paid® potion carried, 3otion was made by Ready and seconded by Easley to buy Mr. Sanders a radio for his police car, the mount of cost 150®00® Motion carri id. resolution between the City of Sanger and the G 6 & S F Railroadm rantin the Cit permission to drill a hole under the tracks of seconded Fe railroaa to run water t7rougn was aiscuss eu oils his resolution wa,s agreed on. _,.