07/16/1962-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Councilmen Spratt, Ready, Easley and Cooper present' Mr. Acker being out of town. A4r. Riddle, Mr. Whittington and Air. Schilling of the, State Health De® partment met with the council to discuss recommendations for treat- ment at the sewerage plant. The Council asked the City Secretary to contact an engineer as to the best way to carry out the recommendations of the Health Dept. A otion was made by Easley and seconded by Ready to have the radio tower painted. Motion carried. Motion was made b,y Easley and seconded by Cooper to adjourn. Aiotion carried. July 2, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Easley, and Ready present. Minutes were read and approved. Motion.. was made by Acker and seconded by C000per that bills amounting to P176G.09 be paid. Motion carried. s I ihig the city and as to how the money could be raised.. These nen were asked to contact a Pool Co. as to the cost of a pool and.report at r later date. Motion was made by Easley and seconded by Spratt to adjourn. Motion carried. ity Secretary JULY 16, 1962 MR BALLARD, ENGINEER START THE CHLORINATOR FOR THE SEWER PLANT •Tull 16 , 196 2 Ile Mayor %1,7, Mayor Pro Tem in the absence,y • The minutes were read + approved. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt to have Mr. Ballardp engineero to start the chlorinator f or the sewer plant. Motion carried.