09/17/1962-CC-Minutes-RegularSeptember 4, 1962 The City Council met for regular meeting with Mayor Lewis' and Councilmen Cooper, Spratt9 Acker9 Easley' and heady present. The minutes were read and approved. 11otion was matte by Acker and seconded to have Cooper to get a man to take care of the dump ground to see that trash is dumped in the proper place. Motion carried. Councilman Cooper was also astied to make arrangements for Paul Flenderson to have a weeks vacation. A otion was made by Easley and seconded by Acker to pay bills of 1754.57 and forthe gin transformers in the amount of 1568.94. ?.lotion carried. Motion was made by Spratt and seconded by Cooper to raise the server rate for residences to 01.00 and businesses to $1.50. Motion carried. Motion was made by Easley and seconded by Spratt to adjourn® Motion carried. Mayor Ci t Seere`tary p - • neauy • SEPTEMBER 17, 1962 DISCUSSION WATER, SEWER AND OTHER CITY PROBLEMS The minutes were read and approved, No furth®r business, motion was made by Easley nd se ded Cooper to adjourn. Motion carried.. Mayo Ci7 Secretary The City Council met in regular session witty Mayor Lewis, and Councilffien ` Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Easley, and Ready present. Minutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker to pay bills amounting to 05147.06 Motion carried. City Secretary McClendon and Councilmen Acker were asked to attend the Municipal League Convention in Fort IVorth, Oct. 7-9. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to have 0. IV. Keith start plans to put wells and tower pumps on automatic controls. Motion carried. Me6ting times was changed to 7a00 p.m® ) Motion was made by early_ and seconded by Spratt jadj u "' A4z"er 477" , y. %'i it Sec. Aia or