11/05/1962-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in .re ruler session tivith A tayor i,ewis' and Councilmen Acker Coopers ,; ,z ' 2eady ' aud :5 ratt present, A finu es were read and approved., The sewer line across to the Nest side of the Interstate 35 high® way was discussed and the decision was made to use clay pipet There ' is to be no sewer lines outside the city limits® John D. Ga.ry must pay bill or be cut off® A}otion vas made by Cooper and seconded by [leady to adjourn. Carried NOVEMBER 5, 1962 `the City Council met in re u.lar session with A ayor Lewis9 and Councilmen Cooper' Spratt, Acker' asley9 and heady present. Aiinutes were rend and approved® A otion was made by Acker and seconded by } a.sley that bi11s amounting to v4463.03 be paid. A otion carried. It tivas decided to take an ad with the SANGER COURIER with the a,d being changed each week and as the editor sees fit, A otion was made by Cooper and. seconded ; L++alley to ac}journ. Carried. / / rr / Li _. -- _-- _ _ _ R ovember 15, 1cJ62 'fbe City Council met in .a called meeting wit}x }slayor l,ewis9 anc} Councilmen Cooper' Spratt' Acker and }. ,eady present, A}r. Howell of l'ittsbur Tank Company met with the Council to dis® cuss the repair work needed on the overhead water tank® }Motion was mi de by Acicer a,nd seconded by [i,eady that the b3ayor and City Secretary work out a contract with the Tank Company the total amount being 6s000,00 with a 3,00® down payment and the balance be paid in four years. Alotion carried® ?:gotion was made by Tteady .and seconded by Spratt to adjourn. Carried® I A}a or'