11/19/1962-CC-Minutes-RegularNovember 19. 1962 NIGHWATCH Cooper,Phe City Council met in reguler session with Mayor Lewis Councilm, • s auk• Ready presant, J Minutes read . approved. Nighwatch was descussed Council desided to leave this matter upto :Lt qayor No buissness to come before the Council, Motion was made and seconded by Acker to adjourn. Carried %*, L F%K I ._ 3tary Becember 3, 1962 The City Council met, in regular session. vi_th R ayor Lewis' and ounci.l® men 5pratt9 Coopilr? Acker, Easley and Ready present, A inutes were read and. approved. It was discussed as to whether Ben Harvey could have sewer to his rest® Bence and according to past action he cannot have sewer unless he is inside the city limits. Bills were read and approved' and Motion was made by Beady and seconded by 5pratt to pay the bills amounting; to 1 3577,14. Motion carried, Motion was made by Easley and seconded by Spratt to give the city em® ployees k?)10,00 for Christmas. Motion carried, +otion was made and by Easley and seconded by .Acker to give Dick Ready 25,00 for his part in inspecting the tank at the time of repairs, 'lotion carried, t,iotion was made by Easley and seconded by Beady that the Mayor make a trade with the Fire Boys on fixing up the old fire truck, Agotion carried, hsotion made by Cooper and seconded by Ready to adjourn. Motion Carried. City Sec etary December 17, 1962 The City Council met, in regular session with Aiayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper' Spratt Acker9 Easley9d,nd Ready present® inutes were read and approved. Motion was made by Cooper and seconded by Acker that the Ben Harvey annexation be accepted. Motion carried., Motion was made by Spratt and seconded by Easley that the Council be paid for g meetings in the ai ritiount of `v'v35,00 fo ath Mayor and Street Commissioner and 30,00 each for the remaining member I Z: e mounts areS two regular meetin a an8nfUr each member present at called meetingsq they are to be