12/17/1962-CC-Minutes-RegularDecember 17, 1969 Motion Carried. ACCPECTING THE BEN HARVEY ANNEXATION COUNCIL PAID FOR MEETING The City Council met, in regular session with Mayor Lewis and Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, eker, Eas?ey,a,nd Ready present® Minutes were read and approved, otion Evas made by Cooper and seconded by ticker that -the Ben Ilorve,y annexation be accepted, xotion carried.® Motion was made by 5pratt and seconded by Lasley that the Council be paid for meetings in the a nount of , 35®00 fob the h xayor and Street Commissioner and 30,00 each for the remaining member ' Tlae emounts areS two regular meetin an n#t r each member present at called meetings, they are to be paid 5.00 each. A Ieters are "to be read January 1, 1963. R iotion way made by Easley and seconded by .Ready to adjourn. Motion carried. !) ' ` " ityvSecretary A tayor January 7, 1963 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and CouneilA men Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Easley, and Ready present. Motion was made by Spratt and seconded by Ready that bills in the amount of 865.40 be paid, Motion carried. Aiotion was made by"Spratt and seconded by Cooper to accept the Bone Star Gas Csmpany contract for gas at the plant. Iviotion carried, Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Acker that Dill Carter assess the city taxes for 19G3. Motion carried® Alotion was made by Acker and seconded by Ready that Gene Hughes be appointed C"ity Judge. Motion carried. Motion was made by Dasley and seconded by Spratt o adjoin, Car „r January 21, 1963 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Couneil- tr en Ready, Lasley, Acker, Spratt, and Cooper.presenta Minutes were read and approved. hir. Acker discussed the county wide organization of towns in the county which will be known as the Denton County Municipal League. A otion was made by Lasley and seconded by Spratt that Coiineilmen Ready and Acker see about a room to be built at the plant to house the tele- phones, and radio, if radio is installed there, Motion carried. Secretary McClendon was instructed to see someone in the Civil Defense program concerning the cost of radio etc. 2mlotion was made by Easley and seconded by Ready adjo Car . Mayor ' /r/ . fit Secretary