04/01/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 1, 1963 ZONING OF THE TOWN BALLARD QUOTED PRICE OF $600.00 BLUE PRINTS, MAPS, AND ORDINANCE BOOKS The City Council .. in regular session Mayor and B r F, f.. town.Ballard quoted . .. F 1 `. F:... is n601, 0 plus the costof blue prints, sfs and ordinancefF Jotion was made by Easley and seconded by Ready to have Mr. Ballard 3tart work on this project. Motion carried. i,lotion was made by F f '1 ' and seconded by d' pay bills amounting F $637.41.Motion f :. .: f. Wn- cretary The City Council met in a called session to canvass the votes ®f the city election which was held on April 2nd for the election of the mayor and three councilmen. Present were Mayor Lewis, and Council- men Cooper, Easley' Ready, and Acker. The City Secretary, Councilmen Ready and Acker canvassed the votes and dedlared the votes correct as follows: Mayor Councilman W. D. Lewis-----139 Roy Spratt-----116 Ruby Cherry----- 2 C. H. Easley- 140 Howard Mathison- 9 H. D. Cooper---126 T. C. 1Vilson----- 4 Ken Cornell--- 69 Hugh Pate------ 2 J. M. Sims Jr. - 2 inutes were read and approved ake plans for the reorganizatio otion was made by Easley and seconded by Spratt that the City woul