04/15/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularITUB991115TIO / CouncilThe City in regular ... ...:` 1 and Mr. i ! ! Courtney met with the! ,. i 3uss zoning of the town. Mr. Ballard quoted his price on this work to $600.00 plus the cost of blue prints, maps$ and ordinance books. Jotion was made by Easley and seconded by Ready to have Mr. Ballard 3tart work on project.1 #. carried. ion was made by Cooper and seconded by Easley to pay bills amounting fr $ ! .. Motion fcarried. Secretary The City C®uneil met in a called aeaaion to eanvaas the votes of the city election which was held ®n April 2nd for the election of the mayor end three councilmen. Present were Mayer Lewis, and Council- men Cooper, Easley, Ready, and Acker. The City Secretary, Councilmen Heady and Acker canvassed the votes and dedlared the votes correct as follows* Mayor Councilman APRIL 15, 1963 MAKE PLANS FOR REORGANIZATION OF THE CITY EMPLOYEES ! inutes were and t :1. approved otion was made by Easley and seconded by Spratt that the City Woul furnish lights free for the Little League ball teams two nights per week, and that all other teams pay $10,00 in advance per night for lights from 7:30 p.m to 10:30 p,m., A city employeee will be in charge of turning lights on and OFF. E3otion carried. Motion was made by Spratt and seconded by Easley that the lights for the football field be metered. Motion carried, Councilman Acker was appointed Mayor Pr® Tem. Councilman Cooper was appointed as street commissioner, Acker and Easley water and sewer commissioner, and Ready and Spratt as electric commissioner. Motion was made by Easley and seconded by Re y to adjourn, Carried® ;- ,, ;/ Mayer f J Ci Secretary May 6, 1953 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Lewis, and Council- men Cooper, Spratt, Acker, Easley, Ax :d Ready present, Johnnie Lee Richardson met with, the Council to discuss the air-con- ditioning problem in the Most office® The mayor asked Councilman Easley to have an engineer look into the situation. Mr. Ballard and Mr. Courtney met with the council to discuss the zoning map, The City Secretary is to let Mr, Ballard.. know when the map will -be ready, after the council has studied it, Don Holson met with the council to ask the council to reconsider their decision of charging for the use of the lights on the ball fields Mr. Holson was asked to bring a schedule as to the nights the lights would bd used® Motion was.made anerd seconded by Cooper that the bills be paid. Carried, Motion was made by Ready and seconded by Easley to adjourn. Carried Mayor O . _ a Cit Secretary