06/03/1963-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 3, 1963 $5000.00 BE TRANSFERRED FROM THE TAX FUND INTO THE GENERAL FUND TRACTOR FOR MOWING 6 he tuncil met in regular session with ilayorLewis, ► i s 1." , f C i 1. 1 Ready inutea were read and approved. f id. Carried. otion was made by Cooper and seconded 111.11 e transferred from the tax fund into the general fund. Motion 3pratt try to find a mn tractor for mowing, Motion carried. Jotion was made by Cooper and seconded by Spratt to adjourn, Jotion carried. k-,4. VA Secretary lessrs. Sturdivant and Robison of Brazos Electric met with the ounci to discussbestway plant t operated. linutes were read and approved. naming someone to fill outAhe unexpired term of C. 11. Easley1 esigned from the councilt the two were put ox and the city secretary was instructed to draw,a name. The name i I names to be considered inf Billy Gentle was drawnto fill this term. The other name being Villie Keith Pate. otion was made by Cooper and seconded by to